Richard Montgomery
5th May 1955 – 28th August 2023

Obituary by William Eardley
Richard Montgomery JTO obituary
Professor Richard Montgomery died suddenly of a heart attack on Monday 28th August 2023, after a weekend with family at his cottage in the Yorkshire Dales. His loss is felt by many across the UK orthopaedic community and further afield.
Richard was born in London in May 1955 and following his school years and early life in Tonbridge, made the journey north to Newcastle to commence undergraduate training and culminated his preparation for consultancy with a year at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota.
At the age of 34, Richard was appointed Consultant in Trauma and Orthopaedics at North Tees Hospital in 1989 but moved to South Tees (firstly Middlesbrough General and later James Cook University Hospital) in 1991.
He brought modern knee arthroscopic methods to the region initially and then went on to pioneer paediatric surgery. He was one of the first to adopt the Kurgan method of Ilizarov’s technique for limb reconstruction and non-union surgery. A fantastic teacher surgeon, his posteromedial release for CTEV was a masterclass in anatomical dissection. Always innovating, the Montgomery Hip Screw is a legacy of his attention to detail and desire to provide children with appropriate implants.
Outside of the hospital he spent time as the Northeast RCSEd representative and spent time on the BOA Committee before committing his extracurricular activities fully to the RCSEd where he held office as Treasurer. Ever the teacher and mentor, he was also Chair of the FRCS Exams Committee. None of this was done for renumeration. He was a classic surgeon but a true doctor to his patients, trainees and colleagues.
Lastly, Richard was an immensely devoted family man and was very proud of his children and grandchildren who he and Angie brought up to bring out the best in them. He will be a missed colleague teacher and friend, the true epitome of a ‘life well lived’.