01 Sep 2017

JTO - September 2017

Volume 5 Issue 3

From the Editor

Effective practice in our specialty relies on an understanding of the scientific principles that underpin the disease processes we treat and the interventions we make. In this issue we have three articles that bring us up to date on aspects of engineering that are intimately related to outcomes. Our Guest Editor, Tony Miles, has brought us thought provoking themes from leaders in their fields. The recent mantra of reducing variation to improve efficiency and effectiveness suggests that the improved accuracy and consistency achieved by using robotics may be a way forward. Brian Davies provides us with a concise history and commentary on the present status of this fascinating yet poorly understood area.

Research and innovation are at the centre of improving patient outcomes. The BOA historically provided small grants to support projects but the impact was uncertain and led us to thinking differently about how we should support it. The funding of the British Orthopaedic Research Centre was the result and Amar Rangan explains how this has totally transformed the orthopaedic clinical trials landscape and encourages the next generation of researchers.

We now have 18 Orthopodcasts and I would like to direct you to the most recent one from Eva Doherty. Working under pressure with limited resources puts increasing pressure on us all and she provides practical advice on coping with stress and improving resilience.

At Congress we are recognising the outstanding contributions from four of our members by the award of Honorary Fellowships and the Presidential Merit Award. Their achievements should inspire all of us. Each of them is an excellent communicator and Lisa Hadfield–Law provides the rest of us with some timely advice on preparing and delivering high impact presentations. I will be checking up as I go round Congress and hope to meet as many of you as possible.

Phil Turner - BOA Vice President Elect