01 Sep 2016

JTO - September 2016

Volume 4 Issue 3

From the Editor

So, two years as JTO Editor have flown by, as I step into my presidential role, Phil Turner will take over and continue, I am sure, to move things ever onwards and upwards.

I have to say a huge thank you to Lauren, Emma and the two deputies I have had – Ananda, and now Fred. It is true they do all the hard editorial work, but really it is the contributors who put in the hours and give us the opportunity to discuss very publicly so many issues that need to get into black and white. We have a great relationship with our publishers and we are exploring the potential for a JTO app. This will give us an opportunity to reach a wider audience and make the JTO more accessible for our current membership. You only have to look at the range of subjects discussed in this issue and in particular look at the sections on innovation (pages 34-35 and pages 56-67) to see that we as a profession are fully engaged with driving our professional lives and patient care forward.

Focusing on the future does challenge us to consider what innovations are going to be made that will change our clinical care over future years. A major issue is how innovation and change can be controlled but not inhibited; it will be the biggest question over the next few years, this will take leadership. Trying to develop leaders for the future is clearly something the BOA has taken on board. It is so much better to develop leaders taking into account their natural talents than to let Napoleonic diminutive rotund megalomaniacs take over…

Finally, we have letter (page 20)! The caption competition winner (page 17) was for me a special moment as I have been mistaken for Des Lynam on many occasions which just helps to reinforce my belief that despite all the evidence to the contrary I am 6ft. 4in tall (see above).

Ian Winson – BOA Vice President


Reference Lists

Hip Fracture Research: the WHiTE Study and Beyond

1. Cooper C, Campion G, Melton LJ, 3rd. Hip fractures in the elderly: a world-wide projection. Osteoporos Int. 1992;2(6):285-9.

2. Griffin XL, McArthur J, Achten J, Parsons N, Costa ML. The Warwick Hip Trauma Evaluation One – an abridged protocol for the WHiTE One Study. An embedded randomised trial comparing the X-bolt with sliding hip screw fixation in extracapsular hip fractures. Bone and Joint Research 2013;2(10):206-9.

3. Griffin XL, McArthur J, Achten J, Parsons N, Costa ML. The Warwick Hip Trauma Evaluation Two – an abridged protocol for the WHiTE Two Study. An embedded randomised trial comparing the Dual-Mobility with polyethylene cups in hip arthroplasty for fracture. Bone and Joint Research 2013;2(10):210-3.

4. A. L. Sims, N. Parsons, J. Achten, X. L. Griffin, M. L. Costa, M. R. Reed Bone and Joint Research Jan 2016, 5 (1) 18-25; DOI: 10.1302/2046-3758.51.2000473  

5. Perry DC, Metcalfe D, Griffin XL, Costa ML. Inequalities in use of total hip arthroplasty for hip fracture: population based study. BMJ. 2016;353.

6. Haywood KL, Griffin XL, Achten J, Costa ML. Developing a core outcome set for hip fracture trials. Bone Joint J. 2014;96-b(8):1016-23. 

Self-Perception in Orthopaedic Trainees: Is There a Gender Difference?

1. Clance PR, Imes SA. The imposter phenomenon in high achieving women: Dynamics and therapeutic intervention. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research & Practice. 1978;15(3):241.

2. Farooq S, Kang SN, Ramachandran M. Sex, power and orthopaedics. J R Soc Med. 2009;102(4):124-125.

3. Jaffer U, Pennell A, Musonda P. General surgical trainee experiences of mentoring: a UK regional audit. J Surg Educ. 2010;67(1):19-24.

4. Kolligian Jr J, Sternberg RJ. Perceived Fraudulence in Young Adults: Is There an'Imposter Syndrome'? Journal of Personality Assessment. 1991;56(2):308-326.

5. Legassie J, Zibrowski EM, Goldszmidt MA. Measuring resident well-being: impostorism and burnout syndrome in residency. J Gen Intern Med. 2008;23(7):1090-1094.

6. McCord JH, McDonald R, Sippel RS, Leverson G, Mahvi DM, Weber SM. Surgical career choices: the vital impact of mentoring. J Surg Res. 2009;155(1):136-141.

7. Miller EK, LaPorte DM. Barriers to Women Entering the Field of Orthopedic Surgery. Orthopedics. 2015;38(9):530-533.

8. Neumayer L, Kaiser S, Anderson K, et al. Perceptions of women medical students and their influence on career choice. Am J Surg. 2002;183(2):146-150.

9. Pico K, Gioe TJ, Vanheest A, Tatman PJ. Do men outperform women during orthopaedic residency training? Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2010;468(7):1804-1808.

10. Saalwachter AR, Freischlag JA, Sawyer RG, Sanfey HA. The training needs and priorities of male and female surgeons and their trainees. J Am Coll Surg. 2005;201(2):199-205.

11. Wendel TM, Godellas CV, Prinz RA. Are there gender differences in choosing a surgical career? Surgery. 2003;134(4):591-596; discussion 596-598.