JTO - December 2024
Volume 12 Issue 4
From the Executive Editor
As I take up the reins as Executive Editor, I am reminded of what Benjamin Franklin once said, “Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.” In many ways, JTO embodies that quote and is helping disseminate important news stories, interesting articles, and key opinion pieces to a wide readership. I would like to start my work in this role by thanking Deborah Eastwood for her stewardship and the editorial team for ensuring the growing popularity of JTO.
This issue does not disappoint. There is something in it for everyone in the T&O community. Did you know that the risk of noise induced hearing loss is nearly 50% in senior T&O surgeons? I wonder how many of us speak louder as we get older! Jerry Sam and Hiro Tanaka present the occupational hazard of noise induced hearing loss affecting orthopaedic surgeons and suggest measures we can take to mitigate that risk (p24). Lucky Jayaseelan and Cronan Kerin provide an update on the current selection process to T&O ST3 posts (p20). Ashley Scrimshire and colleagues propose a hub-and-spoke regional network model to cope with the growing problem of metastatic bone disease (p32). Ali Ridha and Aditya Vijay highlight areas where the all-pervasive AI and Computer Vision have found their place in T&O (p36). Richard Power explains how the fulfilling work by orthopaedic surgeons in Leicester helped the Gondar University Hospital in Ethiopia set up their own trauma theatre and training programme (p48).
Theatres are said to be three- to six-times more carbon intense than the hospital as a whole, which has brought into sharp focus the need for sustainable surgical practices. Patient experience should of course be central in implementing safe and sustainable service improvements. Ashita Paul and her co-authors present their experience in using WALANT in hand surgery, which has now become more established in some centres post-COVID (p28). This is a good example of improved patient experience by avoiding general anaesthesia and a tourniquet, alongside surgical sustainability and benefits to the health economy. Scaling up such initiatives should bring wider benefits. Oliver Townsend and Karen Chui share their thoughts on how trainees can get involved at various levels in driving sustainable practices in surgery (p44).
The subspecialty section is shoulder and elbow with Deborah Higgs as guest editor (p52-62). A major growth in shoulder replacement volumes is anticipated over the next decade. Features in this section include innovation and use of technology in shoulder arthroplasty, initiatives to centralise the provision of low volume procedures, and the use of large language models to aid clinical practice. In addition to our upper limb subspecialty section, Jaime Candal-Couto et al. provide highlights of shoulder data analyses from the NJR. In particular, the link between surgeon volumes and outcomes in shoulder arthroplasty provides food for thought (p40).
I hope you enjoy reading this issue. I would like to take this opportunity to extend my very best wishes to you all for the festive season and the New Year.
Amar Rangan, Vice-President elect
Subspecialty Section
- The future of shoulder and elbow surgery
- Centralisation of low-volume high complexity orthopaedic surgery: Hub and spoke models in the NHS
- Large language models in upper limb surgery
- A tipping point for technology in shoulder surgery
Seeing the future digitally: Computer vision in trauma and orthopaedics
- Lopez CD, Gazgalis A, Boddapati V, Shah RP, Cooper HJ, Geller JA. Artificial Learning and Machine Learning Decision Guidance Applications in Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty: A Systematic Review. Arthroplast Today 2021;11:103-12.
- Yin J, Ngiam KY, Teo HH. Role of Artificial Intelligence Applications in Real-Life Clinical Practice: Systematic Review. J Med Internet Res 2021;23:e25759.
- Coppola A, Asopa V. A practical approach to artificial intelligence in trauma and orthopaedics. Journal of Trauma and Orthopaedics. 2024;12(2):30-2.
- Ozkaya E, Topal FE, Bulut T, Gursoy M, Ozuysal M, Karakaya Z. Evaluation of an artificial intelligence system for diagnosing scaphoid fracture on direct radiography. Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg 2022;48:585-92.
- Olveres J, González G, Torres F, Moreno-Tagle JC, Carbajal-Degante E, Valencia-Rodríguez A, et al. What is new in computer vision and artificial intelligence in medical image analysis applications. Quant Imaging Med Surg 2021;11:3830-53.
- Huffman N, Pasqualini I, Khan ST, Klika AK, Deren ME, Jin Y, et al. Enabling Personalized Medicine in Orthopaedic Surgery Through Artificial Intelligence: A Critical Analysis Review. JBJS Reviews 2024;12(3):e23.00232.
- Tiwari T, Tiwari T, Tiwari S. How Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning are Radically Different? International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering 2018;8:1.
- Saggi SS, Kuah LZD, Toh LCA, Shah MTBM, Wong MK, Bin Abd Razak HR. Optimisation of postoperative X-ray acquisition for orthopaedic patients. BMJ Open Quality 2022;11:e001216.
- Thomas D. How AI and convolutional neural networks can revolutionize orthopaedic surgery. J Clin Orthop Trauma 2023;40:102165.
- Oosterhoff JHF, Doornberg JN. Artificial intelligence in orthopaedics: false hope or not? A narrative review along the line of Gartner’s hype cycle. EFORT Open Rev. 2020;5(10):593-603.
- Cheikh Youssef S, Hachach-Haram N, Aydin A, Shah TT, Sapre N, Nair R, et al. Video labelling robot-assisted radical prostatectomy and the role of artificial intelligence (AI): training a novice. J Robot Surg 2023;17(2):695-701.
- Udegbe FC, Ebulue OR, Ebulue CC, Ekesiobi CS. THE ROLE OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN HEALTHCARE: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW OF APPLICATIONS AND CHALLENGES. International Medical Science Research Journal 2024;4:500-8.
- Lauter, K. (2022). Private AI: Machine Learning on Encrypted Data. In: Chacón Rebollo, T., Donat, R., Higueras, I. (eds) Recent Advances in Industrial and Applied Mathematics. SEMA SIMAI Springer Series, Vol 1. Springer, Cham.
- Olveres J, González G, Torres F, Moreno-Tagle JC, Carbajal-Degante E, Valencia-Rodríguez A, et al. What is new in computer vision and artificial intelligence in medical image analysis applications. Quant Imaging Med Surg. 2021;11(8):3830-53.
- National Institue for Health and Care Excellence. AI technologies recommended for use in detecting fractures. 2024. Available at: www.nice.org.uk/news/articles/ai-technologies-recommended-for-use-in-detecting-fractures.
- Truhn D, Tayebi Arasteh S, Saldanha OL, Müller-Franzes G, Khader F, Quirke P, et al. Encrypted federated learning for secure decentralized collaboration in cancer image analysis. Med Image Anal. 2024;92:103059.
- Moskal JT, Diduch DR. Postoperative radiographs after total knee arthroplasty: a cost-containment strategy. Am J Knee Surg 1998;11(2):89-93.
- Babu VD, Malathi K. Dynamic Deep Learning Algorithm (DDLA) for Processing of Complex and Large Datasets. 2022 Second International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Energy (ICAIS), Coimbatore, India, 2022, pp. 336-342.
How trainees can get involved in sustainability in surgery
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Centralisation of low-volume high complexity orthopaedic surgery: Hub-and-spoke models in the National Health Service
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- Lau RL, Perruccio AV, Gandhi R, Mahomed NN. The role of surgeon volume on patient outcome in total knee arthroplasty: a systematic review of the literature. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2012;13:250.
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- Hussain SA, Russell A, Cavanagh SE, Bridgens A, Gelfer Y. A 'Hub and Spoke' Shared Care initiative for CTEV Ponseti service. Bone Jt Open. 2023;4(11):865-872.
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Large language models in upper limb surgery: A narrative review
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