Effective early management of most paediatric forearm fractures

The Best MSK Health initiative is promoting the concept of prompt and effective management of most paediatric forearm fractures by the trauma and orthopaedic team but in the Accident and Emergency Department as encapsulated in the BOAST published in May 2021 ‘Early Management of the Paediatric Forearm Fracture’. 
In the podcast below leading paediatric consultants discuss the patient benefits of this method, greatly improving the overall care experience for both young patients and their parents by reducing the treatment time in hospital from often as long as two days to roughly two hours. In supporting this initiative, there will be significant cost savings to the NHS and it will free up a significant amount of theatre time which can then be used for other trauma and/or initiatives to tackle waiting lists. 
A study on the benefit of utilising this approach was published recently in the Journal of Children’s Orthopaedics ‘Parental acceptability of paediatric forearm manipulations in a UK district hospital emergency department’.