BOA response to Prime Minister's announcement to tackle waiting list backlog
Responding to the PM’s announcement this morning to address the waiting list backlog, Mark Bowditch, President of the British Orthopaedic Association (BOA) said,
"The British Orthopaedic Association supports the Government’s plan to reduce waiting times, outlined in the Prime Minister’s speech of 6th January. The Trauma and Orthopaedic (T&O) RTT [1] waiting list is one of the largest and if the numbers are to be reduced, there must be a continued focus and prioritisation on musculoskeletal (MSK) disease, all year round. People with these conditions often lose mobility and independence whilst waiting for treatment, are often in pain, and unable to work or care for dependant relatives.
"The commitment to expand the protected access provision offered by the surgical hubs programme which can increase capacity by at least 20% is strongly supported by the BOA. The further use of the independent sector which already undertakes > 25% of NHS joint replacements capacity, is also welcomed. However, these must be undertaken by appropriately trained and competent orthopaedic surgeons in a team with theatre staff and anaesthetists of which there is a finite pool. This additional capacity, wherever provided NHS or independent, must involve the training of the future T&O surgeons if this is to be sustainable.
"Trauma patients and their access to timely care must not be compromised in this programme to increase planned essential (elective) care activity. Universal access to fragility fracture prevention services and a fit for purpose adult social care service, are fundamentally important to maximise the benefits of the Government’s prevention agenda and must be included in any initiatives of this type."
[1] RTT – Referral To Treatment