15 May 2020

Re-starting non-urgent trauma and orthopaedic care: Summary guidance

This guidance is being updated in light of NICE publication “Arranging planned care in hospitals and diagnostic services” (27 July 2020)

During the first phase of the Coronavirus pandemic in the UK, the focus for Trauma and Orthopaedics has been on maintaining the trauma service and managing emergency and urgent conditions. As we enter the second phase of the response, there has been a step down in the requirements for managing COVID-19 infections in hospital with the return of facilities and staff availability to enable the planning of non-urgent orthopaedic work. The BOA has produced guidance on a range of issues raised by this shift towards ‘the next phase’. A Summary document of this guidance can be downloaded below.

The Full Guidance document can also be downloaded here.

Both documents will be updated regularly as the situation evolves. (Version 1.1 published 15 May 2020).