02 Feb 2018

BOA celebrates its 100 year anniversary today

The British Orthopaedic Association (BOA) is celebrating its 100 year anniversary today (2nd February 2018).  The organisation was created after the first World War in 1918 by 12 surgeons wanting to help those soldiers injured in combat, and today has over 4,700 members committed to transforming the lives of the patients they care for.

Orthopaedic surgeons focus on musculoskeletal disorders and injuries of  bones, muscles and joints, providing treatment such as back surgery and hip or knee replacements.  These types of problems are the most common cause of disability in the UK, affecting around one in four of the adult population (9.6 million adults) and over 12,000 children.    

British Orthopaedic surgeons are pioneers of ground‐breaking technology.  They were at the leading edge of developing hip and knee replacement procedures back in the 1960's, which are today commonplace throughout the world.  There are now over 150,000 operations like this carried out each year in the UK alone, benefiting thousands of adults and children by enhancing their quality of life. 

Ananda Nanu, President of the BOA, said,

"The BOA was born out of the desire to help the soldiers left severely injured in the first World War.  Since that time there have been enormous leaps in orthopaedic and trauma care by the surgeons operating in this field.  For example, 90% of joint replacements now last the patient's lifetime.  Over a quarter of all surgeries performed by the NHS are for musculoskeletal procedures and we realise this high demand is a direct result of the dramatic improvement in the quality of life for so many patients.

"At the BOA we are proud to be contributing to a trauma care system that is one of the best in the world, leading many aspects of research, and an educational system for surgeons which leads the way for other countries around the world. All built on the determination and vision of 12 people who said we have to make a difference."

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For further information contact:
Annette Heninger
Interim Director of Communications and Marketing
T: 07827 666459
E: [email protected]  

Notes to editor:

The BOA is the General Medical Council recognised specialty association for trauma and orthopaedic surgery. Based in Central London it is a membership organisation and charity whose motto is 'Caring for patients; supporting surgeons'. The BOA's principal objectives are excellence in trauma and orthopaedic surgical practice, training, education and research. Further details can be found at www.boa.ac.uk.