06 May 2021

BOA and Specialist Society Position paper on caring for patients awaiting surgery

Position paper on caring for patients awaiting surgery (BOA, BASK, BESS, BHS, BLRS, BODS, BSCOS, BSSH, BTS)

Dear Member,

Caring for patients awaiting surgery

We are writing to all members of the BOA and the specialist societies listed above regarding the current challenges of restarting elective care and handling the unprecedented waiting lists after the COVID-19 surge at the start of the year.  

The waiting list raises a number of important issues regarding caring for those patients awaiting surgery. A paper, prepared by the BOA and supported by the specialist societies listed above, covering the following themes is attached with this letter (p2 onwards):

  • When and how often should our patients be reviewed?
  • How should any review happen and how can potential harm be identified?
  • How should patients be prioritised for surgery?
  • What should happen to P5 patients? (P5 = Those on waiting list who chose to delay surgery due to Covid.)

We hope the information is useful, and we will keep in touch as we all work to tackle the current challenges. If there are particular issues you would like to bring to our attention, please contact the BOA policy team at [email protected].

Kind regards,

Bob Handley                                      

BOA President