Orthopaedic Trauma Society (OTS)

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The Orthopaedic Trauma Society is:

  • the forum for Orthopaedic Trauma surgery in the British Isles.
  • The focus for Orthopaedic Trauma research, training and education.
  • The organiser of scientific meetings on Orthopaedic Trauma.
  • The representative body for British Orthopaedic Trauma to Government, national bodies and organisations, and international organisations.

President: Daren Forward
Honorary Secretary: Khitish Mohanty

Next OTS Meeting: 5-6th June 2025, Sheffield

Contact: Clockwork Medical, The Cart House, 2 Chestnut Farm Barns, Village Street, Sedgebrook, Grantham, NG32 2EW
Telephone: 01949 843900
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.orthopaedictrauma.org.uk