British Orthopaedic Sports Trauma & Arthroscopy Association (BOSTAA)

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BOSTAA is the society for orthopaedic surgeons with an interest in the management of sports injuries, arthroscopy and sports trauma. We cover all anatomical sub-specialties and also encourage an interest in the non-surgical aspects of sports trauma. We have links with national and international societies in the field of sports medicine and sports surgery. We have over a hundred members. BOSTAA hosts very popular sessions at the RSM Sports Injuries and Sports Orthopaedic Meeting, during the BOA annual congress, at the BASEM Congress and at the ESSKA Meeting and are expanding the number of courses we offer around the country. We aim to improve the understanding of the management of the sportsman/woman with a sporting injury, from dealing with the causes of injury managing the injury itself, through to the return to sporting activity. 

BOSTAA now has a presence across a number of national and international meetings on multiple continents. BOSTAA encourages both trainee and consultant members provided they have an interest in the management of sports injuries. The legacy of the London 2012 Olympic Games has led to a genesis of the sport and exercise medicine specialty and this in turn has increased the importance of having surgeons ready and willing to interface with sport and its consequences at every level. The BOSTAA annual meeting takes place in the autumn, usually in early December with cross cutting  multi-disciplinary lectures focused on the management and recovery from sports injuries. 

President: Rhidian Thomas
Vice President: Fazal Ali
Honorary Secretary: Nicolas NicoIaou
Treasurer: Ravi Badge
Next BOSTAA Meeting: 11th November 2025, Etihad Stadium, Manchester
Contact: 38-43 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London, WC2A 3PE
BOSTAA online contact form here.