Trauma & Orthopaedic Registries Unifying Structure (TORUS)

From 2014-2016, the BOA received funding from NHS England to support the ‘Quality Outcomes’ Programme, which the BOA continued to fund itself until 2017.

This programme was focused on supporting the development of new registries and audits in trauma and orthopaedics, in collaboration with specialist societies under a workstream called ‘Quality Outcomes’.

What are the ‘emerging’ registries?

There are currently seven ‘emerging’ registries or audits each led by or set up in conjunction with specialist societies or clinician leads in the relevant area. These are the British Spine Registry, the National Ligament Registry (NLR), the UK Knee Osteotomy Registry (UKKOR), the Non-Arthroplasty Hip Register (NAHR), the Bone and Joint Infection Registry and audits led by BSSH and BOFAS. (These are in addition to the well-established NJR, NHFD and TARN.)

Registry weblinks

For more information on the registries, visit: