Orthopaedics Online - A Place to Share

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Orthopaedics Online is the BOA’s digital resource for members to share their thoughts on all things T&O, with the aim of creating a space for shared learning with rapid dissemination. It is not meant to be a scientific journal but more for sharing experience or resources amongst the wider community. Have your say and reach a wide audience, share your experience, ask for opinions.

Thinking of contributing? - Here are some tips on the Orthopaedics Online house style

A writing style is the manner of expressing thought in language characteristic of an individual, period or school. Spelling, grammar, and punctuation are all essential building blocks, but style reflects the choice of words and narrative structure to convey meaning effectively.

Orthopaedics Online publishes articles from Orthopaedic surgeons on issues that affect the profession, patients, and the healthcare sector in general. We look for writing, which is clear, direct, and stimulating. Articles can be topical or personal but should always be informative and occasionally provocative.

Orthopaedics Online is not a scientific, peer review journal. However, data can and should be used to support discussion though we ask that any research data referred to is relevant and accurate. The content and veracity of each published submission will remain the responsibility of the submitting authors. This online publication should not be seen as a repository for scientific articles that other journals reject.

We wish to promote a ‘light touch’ editorial policy, allowing contributors to be ‘heard’ on matters of importance to themselves, their institutions, and the profession. We actively encourage articles that open and contribute to healthy debate.  Word count is negotiable, but we recommend a maximum of 1,500. Photographs, illustrations and graphics are welcomed, up to six per article.

The Orthoapedics Online voice should reflect how we view ourselves as a profession, our individual and collective goals, and aspirations. To this end, as well as welcoming more formal writing styles we also encourage ‘Blogs’ which are both personal and contemporary, reflecting how issues of the day affect us all.

‘The rules are about what a writer does; style is about how the writer does it’        Wikipedia

Contributions should be sent to [email protected] with the subject line: Orthopaedics Online.

Season theme: Overcoming Challenges

Editorial by Togay Koç, O2 Editor

4th July 2024

In every orthopaedic surgeon's career, there are aspects of our job that can be frustrating or even disheartening. However, it's our ability to confront these challenges head-on and implement positive changes that truly defines our dedication to patient care and professional growth. The challenges we face and the innovative solutions we employ to overcome them is often not at the forefront of discussion but remains crucial to a long and sustainable career. 

One could easily form long lists of orthopaedic professionals' dislikes about their roles, however the true challenge is to create a database of proactive steps taken to address them. From administrative burdens to time constraints, from burnout to technological hurdles, we all face challenges. Some of us have found creative solutions to enhance efficiency, improve patient outcomes, and reignite passion for the job. Practical insights of experiences of turning sources of frustrations into opportunities for improvement can help us all. 

Whether it's adopting new technologies, implementing workflow optimisations, prioritising self-care, dealing with complaints/litigation, or fostering better communication within teams, all orthopaedic surgeons can strive to thrive in their careers.

Orthopaedic surgeons should be applauded and encouraged for their resilience, innovation, and the unwavering commitment to excellence that defines our profession.

We will be featuring a series of articles over the coming months, please get in touch at [email protected] if you would like to contribute.


Managing complications and complaints

By Julie Kohls
23rd January 2025

I hope I am asked to write this article because I have spoken about Managing Complications at the BOFAS New Consultants Course. My advice in the course is likely very much what others would give and certainly I built that talk on the talks of my predecessors. I tell new consultants: firstly, strive to prevent complications, secondly once a... Read more.



Early years as an orthopaedic consultant: Navigating challenges and embracing opportunities

By Yaser Ghani
28th November 2024

Becoming an orthopaedic consultant is a momentous occasion. After years of training, countless hours spent mastering techniques, and learning the ins and outs of patient care, you finally earn that title that felt so distant at the start. The transition from trainee to consultant is a major step, but in many ways, it feels like stepping onto... Read more.

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Challenges and overcoming them in orthopaedics

By John Grice
10th October 2024

Surgical training has always been very competitive. However, nowadays there seems to be even more pressure on trainees to be the model professional. The trainee must have completed his/her other surgical exams, published journal articles, completed audits and developed good patient care on the wards, all before even being given the... Read more.

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Using a timeline chart table and game theory to improve operating theatre efficiency

By Conrad Lee and Charline Roslee 
15th August 2024

Operating theatre efficiency is crucial for optimising patient outcomes, reducing waiting times, and maximising the use of resources. Despite the best efforts of surgical teams, inefficiencies often arise from various factors such as delays, miscommunication, and workflow disruptions. Most orthopaedic surgeons would have likely recalled... Read more.

Staying organised and overcoming challenges as a new NHS Consultant: A view from two paedipods

By Adelle Fishlock and John Davies
18th July 2024

As a senior trainee I always thought there was an amazing person in the background making sure that everything ran to plan; kit was ordered, physios were kept up dated, clinics were adjusted as required and theatre lists were planned efficiently. However, during my first few weeks as a consultant I soon realised that ‘amazing’ person was... Read more.


Other Recent Articles

03 Mar 2025

The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on ARCP outcomes issued to trainees in trauma and orthopaedic surgery

By Charlie Barter​​​​​​, David Humes, Deepa Bose and Jon Lund 

Orthopaedics Online
26 Dec 2024

Levelling up: How the 'games area' optimises post-operative care in an evolving NHS

Runner up in the 2024 BOA Medical Student Essay Prize

Orthopaedics Online
19 Dec 2024

"But first, block the hip": Evaluating hip fracture care using the HQO hip fracture quality standard leads to improved fascia iliac compartment block practices

Runner up in the 2024 BOA Medical Student Essay Prize

Orthopaedics Online
12 Dec 2024

Pulling up our socks: Improving the management of mechanical thromboprophylaxis in an orthopaedic ward

Runner up in the 2024 BOA Medical Student Essay Prize

Orthopaedics Online

Articles by Topic

Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgery image

Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgery

Training & Education image

Training & Education

Diversity & Inclusion image

Diversity & Inclusion

Season Themes image

Season Themes

Wellbeing image


Sustainability image


Careers image


General Topics image

General Topics

Please note submissions are editorially reviewed and sense checked to ensure suitability for publication, however, there is no formal peer-review process.  Opinions given are the responsibility of the author(s) concerned.  The BOA and editors accept no liability whatsoever for the consequences of any inaccurate or misleading data, opinions or statement or of any action taken as a result of any article published in Orthopaedics Online.