Instructions for Authors

Authors wishing to submit a news item, feature article or obituary for the JTO should, in the first instance, submit a synopsis of 120 words explaining what the article is and its relevance within the JTO. This should be emailed to [email protected]. This will then be passed on to the Editorial Team for confirmation that the subject matter will be appropriate for publication. You will receive an email from the JTO team indicating their decision. In some cases the Editorial Team will request to see the full article based on synopsis. This, however, does not guarantee publication.

Subspecialty section articles are commissioned by an appointed Guest Editor.

The JTO does not publish audits or case reports.

To have an article printed in the journal, you must be a member of the BOA.


Author guidelines to follow JTO house style

  • Word count: Feature articles and Subspecialty Section articles should be no longer than 1,500 words. News stories and obituaries should be no longer than 250 words and should include a photo. Please be aware that the Editorial Team reserves the right to reduce the content where appropriate.
  • JTO style: JTO is not an academic scientific journal but is the BOA’s instructional membership magazine. We have a more relaxed narrative writing style to that of academic research journals. We encourage use of everyday language that is clear, precise and evidence-based and avoids unnecessary jargon. Descriptive sub-headings (not scientific background, methods, results etc.) are encouraged for ease of readability.  A summary of approx. five key learning points as bullet points can be used at the end of the article if applicable but this is not a requisite.
  • Language: British English should be used consistently throughout.
  • References: We encourage articles not to be reference heavy but ensure evidence-based content is referenced.  Up to 5-7 references will appear in print, longer reference lists will be included online only (note references are not included in word count). References should be supplied in the Oxford Referencing format.
  • Images: Use of Images, illustrations, graphs/tables is strongly encouraged in all articles where possible – please supply at least 2-3 images per article. Images should be submitted as individual files (not embedded in manuscript) with clear file names pertaining to figure numbers or the image title. JPEG, PNG, TIF files all acceptable. A short title/caption should be provided for each image. An indication within the article should identify where the image should be inserted. Please note that it is the responsibility of the author/s to obtain permission from the copyright holder to reproduce figures or tables that have previously been published elsewhere.  Further information on the use of images relating to image copyright can be found here. A patient’s identity must be removed in all figures (i.e., X-rays, MRIs, charts, photographs, etc.). Informed written consent is required from any potentially identifiable patient or legal representative.
  • Authorship: It is preferable that no more than five authors are listed (although exceptions can be made if warranted). JTO house style is for each listed author to submit a good quality headshot photo and short biography of no more than three sentences in the third person.
  • Submission: Articles should be submitted as a word document along with any image files via e-mail to [email protected] and [email protected]. If any files are too large to e-mail please use a file sharing service or send an e-mail asking for options.

The above guidelines can be downloaded as a pdf below:

Author guidelines for JTO


Please note previous editions of JTO can be viewed at: They are freely available and the issue pdf can be downloaded.


Use of generative AI

  • Authors must not list AI and AI-assisted technologies as an author or co-author, nor cite AI as an author.
  • Authors may use AI-assisted technologies in the writing process but only to improve readability and language of the work and not to create content.
  • Any application of AI-assisted technologies in the writing process of their article must be fully disclosed in an Acknowledgment to be published with the article.
  • Use of AI for images to visually supplement an article are allowed as long as it is made clear the image is AI generated and a note included with the image to state this. AI should not be used for images that are being used for scientific interpretation or form the basis of discussion within the article.

Important items to note

You must submit with your article and images; a photo of yourself and a short bio in the third person (no more than three sentences).

You will be sent a Copyright Form following your article submission and this should be returned by email (signed, dated and scanned – e-signatures are acceptable) to [email protected] or posted to JTO Team, BOA, 38-43 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London WC2A 3PE.


Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor are strongly encouraged and should be sent to [email protected]. The Editor will review your letter and, in most cases, will publish it with a relevant response.