UKITE FAQs for Candidates

Please see below for the frequently asked questions for candidates. If you require further information, please email [email protected] 

How is UKITE delivered?

UKITE is delivered online via an online assessment platform. For more information on exam navigation please click here.

Registered candidates will receive information by email on how to access the examination, including the link to the exam and an access key. All candidates who have registered before 30th November will receive this email before 06th December 2024.

Late registrations will be processed as soon as practicable. We aim to provide access to the exam portal (usually within one business day) for registrations received during the UKITE window. We cannot guarantee that access can be provided same-day, particularly outside of normal business hours. 

What happens on the day of the exam?

If you have registered for the examination by 30th November you will receive information by email on how to access the examination before 06th December. If you have not received this, please check your junk/spam folder before contacting [email protected].

For more information on what to expect on the day, please click here.

Once you have accessed the exam, it exam will automatically time out after the allotted time. You have one attempt; please do not attempt to access the link until you are ready to start your attempt.

Trainees will be prompted to fill out the online feedback form after completing their exam.

How long does the exam last?

The UKITE duration is 2 hours 30 minutes in total, unless there are additional arrangements in place. This is split into two sections of 70 minutes each, with an optional 10 minute break between sections.

Any trainee wishing to request additional time for the exam should contact [email protected] by 30th November 2024.

More information on the timing and structure of the exam can be found here.

When/where do candidates sit the UKITE exam?

UKITE sittings for each training programme are scheduled during the UKITE period. Please see the UKITE 2024 Schedule for more information. Candidates who are not in a deanery may sit at any time during the UKITE window.

Trainees usually sit UKITE in an exam centre with access to computers, organised by the TPD. However, since the pandemic many candidates sit the examination remotely, which will continue to be an option in 2024. Please check with your TPD how UKITE will be organised for your deanery.

Candidates should ensure that that have registered for the examination, have received email communication regarding their sitting and that they have internet access for their attempt well before their intended sitting.

If you are not able to sit the exam at the time scheduled for your training programme, you may need to agree alternative arrangements with your TPD, but you do not need to inform the UKITE Team. Your access code will allow you one attempt at any time during the UKITE window 06th-13th December.

Are candidates monitored during the exam?

There is no remote motitoring of UKITE.

If trainees take the examination in a group setting they would ordinarily be monitored by an invigilator. All local arrangements are determined by the TPD. 

Can candidates sit UKITE from home/a non-invigilated venue?

Yes, please confirm the arrangements for your region with your TPD. If you are not in a training programme, you may take UKITE at any time during the UKITE window.

How do candidates register for UKITE?

UKITE 2023 will take place from 06th-13th December. Registration is open from 1st September and will close on 30th November. To register yourself please click here.

All participants for UKITE, including BOA members, must register for UKITE by the registration deadline on 30th November in order to be given access. Late registrations will be subject to a late registration fee.

We aim to process all late registrations as soon as practicable, however please allow one working day to receive exam platform access. We cannot guarantee that access will be received same day or in time for any scheduled exam sitting.

All trainees intending to sit UKITE must register themselves. Your TPD will not be able to register on your behalf.

Do candidates need to pay for UKITE?

UKITE is free for BOA members provided their BOA subscription is up-to-date by 31st October and that they register for UKITE by the registration deadline (30th November).

Please ensure you are up to date with your membership subscription payments by 31st October in order to be eligible for free UKITE registration. Membership applications or payments made after 31st October are unlikely to be processed for access to be granted before the registration deadline.

Non BOA members will need to pay £250 to register for UKITE 2025. 

There will be a late registration fee for those who wish to register for UKITE after the registration deadline (30th November). The late registration fee is £50 for members and £300 for non-members.

Where can candidates find their result?

Candidates will see an indicative score at the end of the exam. Please make a note of this as you will not be able to return to this page. The UKITE Team do not have access to results during the examination window and will not be able to check this for you. Results are not sent to the BOA until after all candidates have attempted UKITE.

Post examination analysis will be conducted following the end of UKITE. Confirmation of results will then be sent to individual trainees by email once all results are confirmed, including a breakdown of result by sub specialty category. As in previous years, candidates will also receive question-level feedback.

Can TPDs see the results of their trainees?

TPDs are sent details of the result of trainees from within their programme shortly after the exam. However, only result information of trainees who have opted-in to share their result in this way is included. There is an option to opt-in to result sharing during the registration process.  

Following UKITE, some aggregated exam data is sent to all TPDs. This does not contain any individual identifiable information. 

Do BOA offer access to past UKITE papers/questions?

The questions for UKITE 2024 will be available for registered candidates to review for one week following confirmation of results. Previous years' questions are no longer available to review.

To access the questions, you will need to accept the Terms and Conditions, including an agreement not to share or copy the questions in any format. The questions remain the intellectual property of the BOA and are made available for a limited time to support the learning of our candidates.

The BOA is looking at the UKITE question bank to identify questions that would be suitable for use as an additional resource for trainees.