UK and Ireland In-Training Exam (UKITE)

UKITE 2025 5th - 12th December

UKITE 2025 will run from 5th-12th December 2025. Registration opens 1st August.

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UKITE information and guidance


UKITE is an online mock examination that allows candidates to practice for section 1 of the FRCS Tr and Orth. The exam is held annually in December, usually over a period of eight days and delivery of UKITE is organised within individual training programmes. 

Eligibility and registration

Trainees and SAS surgeons who are BOA members on 31st October can register for UKITE free of charge before 30th November. Non BOA members can register for UKITE for a fee of £250. Please ensure you are up to date with your membership subscription payments by 31st October in order to be eligible for free UKITE registration. Please note that membership applications may take up to 4 weeks to process; applications received after 31st October are unlikely to be processed before the registration deadline of 30th November.

After 30th November, there is a late registration fee of £50. We aim to process all late registrations as soon as practicable, however please allow one working day to receive exam platform access. We cannot guarantee that access will be received same day or in time for any scheduled exam sitting.

UKITE delivery

UKITE is an online examination delivered via an online assessment platform. Registered candidates receive an email containing the access information for their examination attempt 48 hours before the examination window opens.

Since 2020, the majority of candidates have sat the examination remotely, rather than in an examination venue due to COVID-19 restrictions. UKITE 2025 delivery will be hosted through the same platform. The TPD for each training programme will determine how to run UKITE for their trainees. The scheduled date and time for each training programme will be published once TPDs have confirmed them to us. If you are unable to take UKITE on the scheduled day/time for your training programme, you may need to agree alternative arrangements with your TPD to sit on another day within the UKITE window. You do not need to inform the UKITE team.

UKITE format

UKITE consists of single best answer multiple choice questions. These are based on the T&O curriculum.

There is no pass/fail standard for UKITE.

Only one attempt is permitted.

SAS surgeons

Interested SAS surgeons can also register for UKITE. Please book using the link above during the registration window. You will receive information on how to access the UKITE platform within the UKITE period. You may sit the exam on any day within the UKITE window at your convenience, only one attempt is permitted.

Result and feedback

Results will be sent following analysis of the examination and candidates will receive email confirmation of their final result and a breakdown of their performance by sub specialty category.