Research Fellowships

Applications are now closed for 2024.
The BOA & Orthopaedic Research UK (ORUK) are pleased to announce a joint research fellowship, with the goal of developing a pipeline of research-active orthopaedic surgeons. This scheme will award two fellowships of up to £65k for a project in any area of orthopaedics each year. The two Fellowships were first awarded in 2022 and are intended to be annual.
Research projects in any aspect of the field of orthopaedic surgery or surgical care will be considered, including basic science, diagnosis, treatment, surgical technology, AI, logistics or audit. The research can be self-contained or part of a wider research programme and should be integral to the applicant pursuing a higher degree.
Funding will be available for salary (maximum £60k) or as a stipend at UKRI levels.
The BOA and ORUK are both fully supportive of diversity and inclusion within trauma and orthopaedics and within research. We are particularly keen to promote and encourage applications from individuals that wish to undertake their research flexibly or less than full-time (minimum 0.5 FTE).
Research Fellowship Eligibility
Applications are open to BOA members at the following membership grades:
- any trainee grade (must have passed MRCS part B and have an ortho NTN)
- post-CCT members (who have completed CCT but not been appointed to a substantive consultant post by 28 April 2024)
- SAS surgeons
The applicant must have been a member for at least 3 months prior to applying.
One or more proposed supervisor must also be a BOA member.
Membership may be applied for and backdated but must be approved prior to the submission closing date. Please allow a minimum of 3-4 weeks for membership to be processed (i.e. applications must be received by 29th March 2024). For more information on membership, please click here.
What is funded?
Funding is available for:
- Either a salary or stipend for the fellow:
- salary maximum £60k for one year including NI and on-costs, or
- stipend at UKRI levels (currently £15,609pa + 2k London allowance if applicable).
- Tuition fees, research consumables, and travel are permitted. This is expected to be a maximum of £10k across the duration of the Fellowship.
Indirect costs and FEC are not covered. A maximum of £65k will be awarded.
Flexibility is strongly supported, applicants may elect to take a part time equivalent (minimum 0.5 FTE) with the above salary/stipend amounts paid pro rata.
You will need to set out in your application how the requested funding will be used.
Selection Process
All applications submitted via the ORUK platform will be subject to an anonymous processing practice, with identifying details removed from the application form before being passed to the review panel. This blind (anonymised) shortlisting process will be used to reduce the potential for unconscious bias.
Shortlisted candidates will be invited to attend an online interview (via video conference) in July 2024. The interview panel will comprise members of the BOA Research Committee and the ORUK Science Committee.
See our FAQ for applicants here