FORTE Summer School

European Orthopaedic Summer School (FORTE) 

The seventh European Orthopaedic Summer School (FORTE) will take place from 17th to 21st June 2024 in Split, Croatia. A full description of the Summer School can be found online at here and the Programme from the previous iteration can be found here.

The BOA is sponsoring three places for BOA Home Associate (i.e. trainee) or SAS Surgeon members. A at least one place will be awarded to an SAS applicant. Due to the nature of the summer school, we expect ST5-6 trainees or pre-exam SAS to get the most from the course.

We are seeking applications from members who are up to date with their subscriptions and able to travel for the dates stated.

BOA sponsorship will fund accommodation, course fees, social programme and certain meals provided as part of the course. Award recipients will need to organise their own travel to and from the course location, up to £200 travel expenses can be reclaimed from the BOA with receipts.