Training Orthopaedic Trainers Course (TOTs)

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The programme is aimed to improve the standard of teaching for those in trauma and orthopaedic (T&O) training and practice entirely online. The underlying premise of TOTs is that if T&O trainers understand how people learn and how the T&O curriculum works, by translating that understanding into action, they should improve their teaching.

The BOA Training Orthopaedic Trainers (TOTs) course is now running entirely online. Much of the work can be done at a time, place and pace convenient to participants, with attendance at live virtual meetings to supplement personal learning. Learning is monitored through learning logs with written feedback from expert faculty. The V-TOTs course will last for approximately 6 weeks.

Course Structure

We will use:

  • A learning log distributed through email with feedback from the moderator and cohort colleagues, to achieve learning outcomes through a set of screencasts and activities that you complete at your own pace.*
  • Zoom for one 3 hour and one 1 hour 30 minutes live session for teaching similations with feedback, and discussion.

The prep work to be completed before the virtual live sessions will be distributed to booked delegates via email.

*Participants should complete the programme within 6 weeks of the start date. The total course duration (number of hours you need to allocate to the course entirely) is approximately 17 hours.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Identify personal development needs as a trainer
  • Focus on relevant issues arising from the T&O curriculum
  • Apply principles of learning including feedback to improve teaching
  • Help learners develop capabilities:
    • Working with the multidisciplinary team
    • In the operating theatre
    • During an unselected emergency take
    • Caring for in-patients
    • In an outpatient’s clinic
  • Maximise opportunities in practice for:
    • Assessment
    • Small group teaching
    • Lecturing
    • Simulation & technology enhanced learning
    • Reflection
    • Supporting learners with additional needs

Course Assessment

There will be 8-12 participants on each course and we offer both peer and mentor written feedback. ISCP Workplace Based Assessments can be completed incorporating this feedback.  The learning log can also be uploaded into ISCP or appraisal portfolios.

The course has had excellent feedback from previous participants who have made the following comments:

“Excellent and enjoyable course. For one who thought of himself as a conscientious teacher, I realised the usefulness of modern teaching methods.”

“All doctors need exposing to this at an early stage in their careers.”

“I’ve just had a formal feedback summary from our education lead, and I’ve seen a huge increase in quality scores. All thanks to the techniques I learned.”

“Much more useful and applicable as this was a course aimed at training orthopaedic trainers and not simply a generic teach the teacher course – specifics of the curriculum, technical skills, cases/teaching topics selected.”


The 2025 course dates coming soon. 

If you have any queries, please contact the BOA Events Team via [email protected]

Course Fees: 

The course fee is £400 for BOA members (£700 for non-members).

Fees are payable at the time of registration. Your place is only treated as confirmed once payment is received. Please note that once a place is confirmed, there is a no-refund policy as the budgets are too tight to cope with any last minute cancellations.

Booking terms:

By booking onto this course you consent to:

  • The BOA Privacy Policy found here
  • The use of your work/personal email for distribution of the learning log and communications with the moderator and cohort colleagues
  • The use of Zoom for the virtual live sessions required for course attendance
  • Sharing any of your own, or others, personal details in any of the above software/programmes is not permitted