AI Articles Published on Orthopaedics Online

Early in 2024, our Orthopaedics Online season theme was 'Future Orthopaedics' which had a number of contributions looking at artifical intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) within T&O.  AI offers precision diagnostics, personalised treatment plans, and predictive analytics. ML algorithms can analyse vast datasets, enhancing decision-making and optimising surgical strategies. This volume and detail of information has ethical considerations around its use and security concerns for the data.

The editorial from Togay Koc and the complete set of articles can be found here. Below is a selection of the AI focussed articles.

The role of data representation for the design, development and evaluation of (medical imaging) AI innovations in healthcare image

The role of data representation for the design, development and evaluation of (medical imaging) AI innovations in healthcare

By Claudia Lindner

Harnessing predictive analytics in orthopaedics: The power of Artificial Intelligence image

Harnessing predictive analytics in orthopaedics: The power of Artificial Intelligence

By Amin Abukar

ChatGPT, Artificial Intelligence and the NHS image

ChatGPT, Artificial Intelligence and the NHS

By Omar Musbahi

Integrating artificial intelligence into trauma and orthopaedics: History, current state of AI in T&O and future perspectives image

Integrating artificial intelligence into trauma and orthopaedics: History, current state of AI in T&O and future perspectives

By Andrew Coppola, Caroline Hing, and Vipin Asopa

Advancements in surgical simulation training in orthopaedics image

Advancements in surgical simulation training in orthopaedics

By Usman Ahmed