
For surgeons who have left surgical training but remain in surgical practice, there may be a number of professional issues to consider, whether it be career development, revalidation, improving surgical outcomes, supporting trainees, working less than full time, returning to work or approaching retirement. The BOA is committed to helping support T&O surgeons in all matters relating to their surgical practice.

The BOA’s courses for trainers and educational supervisors (TOTs and TOES) have been fully updated to reflect changes to the new curriculum – for more information and to book onto a course visit our V-TOTs and V-TOES pages, or if you are a TPD interested in running TOES in your local area contact [email protected].

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Specialty and Associate Specialists (SAS)

We recognise Specialty & Associate Specialist (SAS) surgeons or Locally-Employed Doctors (LEDs) will have distinct needs for career and educational support specific to their situation. We are building a resource to assist with SAS career development and will be developing and adding T&O specific resources to these pages.

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Implementation of the New T&O Curriculum

From August - October 2020, T&O training will need to comply with the new curriculum. This will be generally available following approval by the GMC which is expected in the near future.

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Revalidation in Orthopaedics

As the sixth anniversary of the introduction of Revalidation for Doctors in the UK approaches, we have looked back at the rationale behind the inception, design and implementation of the current system.

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Service Transformation in Trauma and Orthopaedics

Many of us will have been involved with changing our service configuration in order to improve our outcomes, make best use of resources and improve efficiency. At the same time, we are trying to ensure that patient experience is improved and the workforce remains engaged.