Abstract and Innovation Theatre

Abstract and Innovation Theatre

This year the Abstract and Innovation Theatre will provide exhibiting companies the opportunity to showcase new or existing products and services to Annual Meeting attendees. Presentations will be limited to 20 minutes and must include educational content. Also in the Abstract and Innovation Theatre will be the selected abstracts presentations from healthcare professionals from across the UK and overseas on a wide range of orthopaedic topics.

The package includes:

  • 20 minute session (includes 5 mins Q&A)
  • During refreshments and lunch breaks
  • Located in main exhibitions hall
  • AV and technical support included
  • Listed on the BOA website/app and social media platforms
  • Advertised on the BOA website
  • Featured inside x2 newmail

Upgrade your presentation with a recording of the session for on-demand viewing following the event (available for 6 months).

For prices and further details, please contact our team today - [email protected]