Abstract Notification and Presenting 2024

Abstract Notification

Abstract authors will receive notification regarding their submission by End -July. Please be aware that notification will be sent to the email address of the presenting author. All presenting authors must register to attend Congress in order to present their abstract as a podium presentation. 


Congress 2024 Abstract Submissions are now in the review process!

Oral presentation

All accepted podium authors will be required to present their abstract live at the BOA Annual Congress 17th - 20th September. Please ensure you register to attend the event. 

 Please see a guidance document below that may assist in your preparation.


All presenting authors MUST be registered in order to present at the Annual Congress.

If you are a member of the BOA and have submitted an abstract, ensure you register during the Early Bird period from Monday 8th April 2023 to Sunday 30th June 2024 to take advantage of the 100% member discount during that time period.  

If you are not currently a BOA member, join no later than Monday 1st March 23:59 to receive the 100% discount during the members Early Bird period! https://www.boa.ac.uk/join.html

Revalidation Speaker Guidance

E-Poster presentation

All Accepted E- posters MUST BE SUBMITTED to the Oxford Abstract website via the button below!


The format of posters must be submitted as PDF, an A0 Portrait PDF (841mm wide x 1189mm high) of your poster must be submitted via the Oxford Abstract Platform no later than Sunday 8th September 2024

When you log into the Oxford Abstract platform you need to go to your accepted abstract and select Edit/Amend. Once you are in your abstract the second question will ask you to upload your e-poster. 

Once saved your poster will automatically be added to the poster gallery.

 Please see a guidance document below that may assist in your preparation.

E-Poster Guidance 24

Please note you DO NOT need to present the poster or attend.

All accepted posters will be published on the BOA website, app & displayed on digital screens at Congress.

Please visit our Frequently Ask Question page if you have any queries.  If you still have queries, please contact the BOA Events team via [email protected].