
Congress Stand 39A
Category: Minimally invasive medical treatments
07866 471848
[email protected]
Established in 2012, Bioventus Inc. (Nasdaq: BVS) is headquartered in Durham, NC. The company has more than 1,200 employees worldwide through its offices in Memphis, TN; Valencia, CA; Farmingdale, NY and Mississauga, Ontario, Canada; its international headquarters in Hoofddorp, The Netherlands and manufacturing location in Hod Hasharon, Israel. In 2022, products from Bioventus will help more than 600,000 people regain active lifestyles.
- Durolane hyaluronic acid (HA) injection
- Exogen - Ultrasound bone healing system
- TX-Bone MicroTip - A Minimally Invasive Treatment Option For Tendinopathy, Bone Spurs And Other Conditions