Standing CT

Congress Stand 52
Category: Diagnostic radiological instruments & equipment
020 3026 0019
[email protected]
The Standing CT company is a partnership with Orthopaedic Surgeons and Radiologists. We are the leading provider of weight-bearing CT scanning in the UK. Our scanners are used at numerous UK institutions including RNOH, Royal Surrey, Barts Health, ROH and several large London independent hospitals to significantly improve the imaging of feet and ankles, knees, hips and upper extremities. The scanners allow bilateral, 3-dimensional imaging in a single 30-second pass with a low radiation dose equivalent to an X-Ray.
Name: HiRise Scanner
Type: Low-radiation 3D imaging for Orthopaedics
Summary: 3D imaging for orthopaedics is more important than ever. The HiRise provides rapid, low-radiation, bilateral, weight-bearing CT scans from hip to toe