Poster Presentation 2021

The theme for the BOA Annual Congress 2021 is 'Tackling Infection'. We were extremely pleased with the caliber and volume of abstract submissions we had for this year's virtual Congress. We have 21 topics including General Orthopaedics, Education, Paediatrics,  Developing World Orthopaedics and COVID-19. The highest scoring abstract posters in 12 categories are published on this page.

COVID-19 2021 Posters

91) The Impact of Orthopaedic Consultant Presence in the Minor Injuries Unit (MIU) During COVID-19 A Retrospective Analysis.jpg

(91) The Impact of Orthopaedic Consultant Presence in the Minor Injuries Unit (MIU) During COVID-19: A Retrospective Analysis

87 - Emlyn Amutharasan.jpg 3

(87) The incidence of surgical cancellations: Lessons learned from the resumption of elective orthopaedic operating after the first wave of COVID-19

1051 - Lyndon.jpg

(1051) Foot and Ankle Surgery through two national lockdowns: what have we learned? Results from Phase 2 of the UK-FAlCoN Audit

Education 2021 Posters

40 - ORourke.jpg

(40) The Benefits of Education in Trauma Radiology for Foundation Doctors Working in a Regional Major Trauma Centre: A Multi-Departmental, Regional Quality Improvement Project


1021 - Angharad Davies.jpg

(1021) The trauma meeting – encouraging educational value for all trainees


1172 - Shayra Khanom.jpg

(1172) Improving Trauma and Orthopaedic education for future doctors: A Quality Improvement Project


737 - Thomas Harding.jpg

(737) Trauma Teams: How Can a Change in Work Pattern Impact Training?

General Orthopaedics 2021 Posters

53 - Rebecca Martin.jpg

(53) Patient engagement with an online patient education program is high irrespective of age, gender and operation


406 Filip Brzeszczynski.jpg

(406) The Effect of Sarcopenia on Outcomes Following Orthopaedic Surgery: A Systematic Review

Hands 2021 Posters

113 - Rebecca Martin.jpg

(113) An online patient education system to effectively deliver remote patient education and support for those undergoing carpal tunnel decompression surgery

627 - Katharine Hamlin.jpg

(627) Dorsal Wrist Ganglion: Randomised Control Trial comparing aspiration alone or combined with injection of platelet rich plasma


981 - Will Oliver.png

(981) Outcome Following Acute Suture Anchor Repair of the Ulnar Collateral Ligament of the Thumb

Hip 2021 Posters

515 - The Incidence and Risk Factors for Development of Post-Operative AKI in NOF Patients.jpg

(515) The Incidence and Risk Factors for Development of Post-Operative Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) in Neck of Femur (NOF) Patients

574, Joseph Boktor_thumbnail.jpg

(574) Medium Term Survivorship of Cannulated Hip Screws for Undisplaced Intra-Capsular Fractures in Patients Over 60 Years Old With Minimum 5 Year Follow-Up

223 - Tze Khiang.jpg

(223) Are The Outcomes of Total Hip Arthroplasty For Hip Fractures Comparable With Matched Elective Cohort ? A Prospective Study

607- Ian Kennedy.jpg

(607) Cement-in-cement versus uncemented modular stem revision for Vancouver B2 periprosthetic fractures

153 - Jacob Feathers.jpg

(153) Uncemented Total Hip Arthroplasty can be used safely in the elderly population

697 - Chloe C.jpg

(697) Mortality following fractured neck of femur in the peri -entenarian population

830 - Andrew Gardner.jpg 1

(830)  Survivorship of the dual mobility construct in primary total hip arthroplasty. A systematic review and meta-analysis including joint registry data

Infection 2021 Posters

556 - Samir Asmar.jpg

(556) Musculoskeletal tuberculosis in Bradford- Incidence, treatment and outcomes in an ethnically diverse population

507 - Daniel Cadoux.jpg

(507) Infection in Total Knee Arthroplasty; an Overestimated Problem?

Knee 2021 Posters

940 - Samuel Everett.jpg

(940) Outcomes From Ostechondral Defect Fixation with Bio-Absorbable Devices

905 - Anna Bogdanova-Bennett.jpg 1

(905) Accuracy Of Digital Templating In Total Knee Arthroplasty And The Impact Of Level Of Training On Templating Precision

417 - Ahmed Alkhuzai.jpg

(417) A Prospective Comparative Study between Synovial Joint Biomarkers IL-1Beta, TNF-Alfa Estimation Before Treatment by Arthroscopic Drilling plus Stem Cell Therapy versus Post Therapeutic Estimation of Knee Joint OA grade II, III, a Clinical study for 2 years

415 - Ahmed Alkhuzai.jpg

(415) Comparative Evaluation of Orthobiology Ozonized PRP Platelet Rich Plasma-plus Hyaluronate Injection Therapy post Arthroscopic Suturing of Meniscal Degenerative Tear versus Partial Meniscectomy Treatment of Meniscal Tears in Degenerative Knee OA Follow up

606 - Amir Kamali.jpg 1

(606) Safety and performance of the JOURNEY II Cruciate Retaining Total Knee System: A prospective, multicenter study

844 - Getachew.jpg

(844) Total knee arthroplasty: Quality assurance and improved longevity costs less

Paediatrics 2021 Posters

324 Mohammed Ali.jpg

(324) Evaluation of PROMIS CAT Mobility Physical Function Score in the follow up of Perthes’ disease and Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis

728 - Rachel.jpg

(728) Biomechanical assessment of paediatric supracondylar humeral fracture fixation constructs; posterolateral Gartland 3 fractures require special consideration

865 - Anouska.jpg

(865) Tibialis Anterior Transfer for Dynamic Supination in Club Foot treatment using a Bone Anchor: Short term follow-up

1007 - Caroline Bagley.jpg

(1007) MRI for Paediatric Flat Foot: Is it Justified?

Quality Improvement 2021 Posters

89 - Improving Induction for Orthopaedic SHOs - Dr Sarah Easby.jpg

(89) A quality improvement project to improve induction of new SHOs into orthopaedic surgery

173 - Budair.jpg

(173) England’s first national weekly diabetic foot virtual multidisciplinary team meeting – the King’s Collage Hospital experience

178 - Cieran McGrory.jpg

(178) Setting A Standard For Post-operative Care Documentation In Orthopaedic Polytrauma At A Major Trauma Centre (MTC)

362 - Tim Gardner.jpg

(362) The Use of Opioid Analgesia following Ambulatory Orthopaedic Trauma in Scotland: A National Cohort Study

657 James Chapman.jpg

(657) The Changing Face of Orthopaedic Trauma Services: A City Wide Experience

540 - Keven Syam.jpg

(540) Edmonton Frail Scale in elective total hip and knee arthroplasty: a predictor for increased length of stay

804 - Phil Walmsley.jpg

 (804) Can a Patient Focussed, and Procedure Specific Risk Calculator Predict Complications Post Total Knee Arthroplasty?

840 - Amit Patel.jpg

(840) Cost analysis and outcomes of management of 5th metatarsal base fractures in a Virtual Fracture Clinic Model


(859) Length of Stay for Elective Arthroplasty: A comparison of clinician gathered data with data submitted to the Model Hospital (MH) and the Getting It Right First Time (GIRFT) programme

1112 - Adam Smith.jpg 1

(1112) Scoring of Peri-Operative Radiographs in Trauma Surgery. An Important Quality Assurance Tool and Call for National Standards on Scoring

839 - Afzal.jpg 1

(839) Implementation of a Complex Revision Hip Proforma at a District GeneralHospital in London reduces outpatient clinic appointment time

Innovation in Simulation 2021 Posters

1197 - Thomas Edwards.jpg

(1197) Who learns best: The tortoise or the hare? A randomised controlled trial of spaced practice versus intense training in immersive virtual reality

Spines 2021 Posters

188 - Dr. Papagiannis Georgios.jpg 1

(188) Monitoring of lumbar spine kinematics after microdiscectomy with the use of wearable sensors. A path to recognize possible recurrence kinematic factors

548 - Michael Price.jpg 1

(548) Post-void bladder scanning in the assessment of patients with suspected Cauda Equina Syndrome: single centre experience during the Covid-19 pandemic

693 - Ben Barkham.jpg

(693) Fulcrum bending radiographs give superior results to lateral bending radiographs for surgical planning in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis

Tumours 2021 Posters

965 - Rachel Mahoney.jpg

(965) The Prevalence of Iron Deficiency Anaemia, and Association with Peri-Operative Transfusion Rates in Patients Undergoing Resections of Bone and Soft Tissue Sarcomas and Metastatic Bone Disease