The Medical Defence Union

Congress Stand 38
0800 716 376
[email protected]
The MDU: Always by your side
The MDU is the UK’s leading medical defence organisation, providing professional indemnity for over 135 years. You can count on our expert guidance, support and defence if your clinical competence or care of patients is questioned.
Don’t rely on NHS indemnity alone or you could find yourself without support for GMC investigations, disciplinary hearings, coroner’s inquests/FAIs and patient complaints.
Our 24-hour medico-legal helpline is answered by doctors with real-life experience of the pressures you face, and we have an unparalleled track record of defending our members.
Keep up with your CPD:
Open to MDU members and non-members, we offer free group seminars on a range of risk management topics. These can be delivered at your hospital or online. If you’d rather learn in your own time, check out our latest e-learning modules on topics such as ethics, notifiable infectious diseases, death certification, fitness to drive and much more.
Not a member?
Find out more and join at:
Membership questions?
If you are already a member and would like to discuss your indemnity needs in more detail, book an express appointment at:
Consultant membership - factsheet MDU - Free hospital-based seminars MDU - Cautionary Tales