
BOA 2021 Annual Congress Sponsored Webinar - Modern Strategies for Wound Closure Optimisation in Orthopaedic Surgery
Guest Speaker: James Newman
Friday 1st October 2021 18:00-18:30
A recording of this webinar is available to Congress ticket holders on the virtual sessions tab here.
This webinar is designed for Orthopaedic surgeons looking to review new wound closure techniques to make real impact to patient outcomes.
Focus will be given to discussing infection prevention, persistent wound drainage management and wound dehiscence. The faculty will share their experiences along with tips and tricks with the view to help you reduce avoidable complications. Particular focus will be on Ethicon’s portfolio:
STRATAFIX Symmetric PDS PLUS Knotless Tissue Control Device & STRATAFIX Spiral PLUS Knotless Tissue Control Device
DERMABOND PRINEO Skin Closure System
We welcome you to come prepared with any questions you have.
Ethicon, part of the Johnson & Johnson Medical Device Companies, has made significant contributions to surgery for more than 100 years, from creating the first sutures, to revolutionizing surgery with minimally invasive procedures. Our surgical technologies and solutions include sutures, staplers, energy devices, trocars, and haemostats, along with interventional ablation, robotics, and digital solutions.
- Protect your patients
- Your closure is their beginning Can DERMABOND™ PRINEO™ Skin Closure System enhance your patients’ recovery?
- Summary of NICE Medical Technology Guidance: Plus Sutures for Preventing Surgical Site Infection