
The BOA Council is made up of 

  • 6 Officers - President, Immediate Past President, Vice President and Vice President Elect, the Honorary Secretary and the Honorary Treasurer 
  • 12 Elected Trustees
  • 2 Lay Trustees 
  • 11 Ex-Officio Members

The Officers and elected Trustees are elected by a ballot of all members eligible to vote (Home Fellows, Home Members, SAS Surgeons in the 16+ membership category and Post-CCT members).

Lay trustees are appointed by the Trustee Board following application and interview. They are not eligible to stand for election as an Officer.

The Trustees have voting rights; holders of ex-officio posts do not. 

All new Trustees undergo a comprehensive induction, are issued with the Charity Commission booklet on their duties and responsibilities and the BOA Code of Conduct. They also receive a pack of briefing papers as recommended by the Charity Commission, are asked to sign the Trustees’ Conflict of Interest form, and to provide information for the Register of Interests. 

Council devolves designated responsibilities to a number of Committees, Subcommittees or Working Parties. Their chairs and members are appointed by Council on the recommendation of the Executive, normally following an open application process against job descriptions. The President, Vice President and Honorary Secretary are ex-officio members of all Committees.

Terms of office are outlined in the Rules and Memorandum and Articles.

2025 Council Meeting Dates
7th May (Council Dinner)

9th July (Trustee only)

1st October

10th December


Mark Bowditch image

Mark Bowditch

President, 2024 – 2025

Mark is a Consultant and Divisional Clinical Director MSK & surgical specialties at ESNEFT (Ipswich & Colchester Hospitals) since 2000. Mark’s specialist interests are in surgery of the knee and all levels of surgical education.

He was Chair of the SAC 2017-2020 leading the new curriculum changes, East of England Training Programme Director for 11 years, and is currently Head of School of Surgery.  Following three years on BOA Council and one year on the Orthopaedic Committee he joined the Executive as Honorary Treasurer in 2020/21 and is now President.

Fergal Monsell image

Fergal Monsell

Vice President and BJJ Chair, 2024 – 2025

Fergal Monsell has been a Consultant Paediatric Orthopaedic surgeon at the Royal Hospital for Children Bristol since 2005. He is involved in education at all levels, is Visiting Professor at Cardiff University and Director of the Avon Centre for Musculoskeletal Education. Has an active clinical research portfolio and is widely published.

Amar Rangan image

Amar Rangan

Vice President Elect, 2024 – 2025

Amar Rangan is a Shoulder and Elbow Surgeon at South Tees Hospitals NHS Trust in Middlesbrough and is Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, holding the Mary Kinross Trust & Royal College of Surgeons Chair at Department of Health Sciences and Hull York Medical School, University of York. He also holds a full Professorship with the Faculty of Medical Sciences & NDORMS, University of Oxford. Amar is current President of the British Elbow and Shoulder Society. He was Chair of the BOA Research Committee from 2013-2018; the Academic / APOS representative on the T&O SAC from 2013 to 2016; and he has been FRCS (Tr& Orth) examiner for the Intercollegiate Specialty Boards for 10 years.

Amar leads a programme of clinical and translational research, including NIHR funded multi-centre clinical trials. He has been published
widely in Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgery, particularly in the field of Shoulder and Elbow surgery, where his work has influenced clinical practice, national guidelines and policy. He is a member of the NIHR i4i Challenge Awards Committee and is a surgeon
member of the Steering Committee of the National Joint Registry.

Hiro Tanaka image

Hiro Tanaka

Honorary Secretary, 2024 – 2026

Hiro Tanaka is a Consultant Foot and Ankle surgeon at Aneurin Bevan University Health Board in Wales.

Hiro has served on BOA Council for four years and co-directs the BOA Future Leaders Programme. He is committed to training and education across all levels and has been Chairman of the Education Committee for the BOA and has been involved with the development of the educational portfolio for BOFAS for many years. He is a BOFAS council member and Honorary Treasurer.


Ian McNab image

Ian McNab

Honorary Treasurer, 2024 – 2026

Ian McNab trained at the London Hospital Medical College and then as an SHO in London, Sussex and Oxford. His higher orthopaedic surgical training was on the Pott rotation, based on St Bartholomew's and the Royal London Hospitals. It spanned the transition to SpR training and I was ‘the last SR’! I undertook my hand and upper limb fellowship training in Oxford and then during a year in Melbourne.

He was appointed in 2000 as a Consultant Hand Surgeon at the Oxford University Hospitals Trust. He works in an excellent integrated team of seven T&O and Plastics hand consultants and closely with my other T&O colleagues, providing emergency care at our Regional Hand Trauma Unit at the John Radcliffe Hospital, and planned and reconstructive surgery at the Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre.

He has a keen interest in teaching as an Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer in the University of Oxford and at Wadham College. He is Head of the Oxford Hand Fellowship Programme and have served on the Training Interface Group for Hand Surgery, on the UK Hand Diploma Committee and as an examiner. He chairs the AOUK Hand Course. In 2007 he was awarded and undertook the prestigious BSSH Stack Travelling Fellowship in New Zealand, Australia, Singapore and USA.

He have also served on: the BOA Board of Specialist Societies and Professional Practice Committee; as RCS/BOA Regional Specialty Professional Adviser (he proposed the motions at RCS EGM on Health & Social Care Act); the BSSH Research & Audit Committee & Council; and as BMA LNC Chair, Regional & National Consultant Committees, and as Chair, BMA Orthopaedic Sub-Committee.

Simon Hodkinson image

Simon Hodkinson

Imediate Past President, 2024 – 2025

Simon trained in London at St Bartholomew’s Hospital from 1977-82.

He was a Royal Naval cadet as a medical student so after house jobs in London and the Navy he spent the next two and a half years on General Duties in the Royal Navy.

After a crash course in all sorts of medical disasters he might face at sea, he went to the Falklands and Antarctica for the best part of a year before spending the second year in general practice in a Naval base.

Simon started his surgical training with in the Navy in 1986 and in 1990 joined the fledgling HEMS project at the London as one of the original three Drs flying on the helicopter.

His higher training took him out of the Navy to Edinburgh and Leeds before being appointed a Consultant in the Navy in 1995.

Deployments to Cyprus, Bosnia and the Gulf intermingled with his early career and he then left the Navy in 1999 to join the NHS in Portsmouth.

In the NHS he developed his fledgling interest in foot and ankle surgery, which rapidly became him chosen speciality as the department expanded.

After a period as clinical director in Portsmouth his interest in education started as the RCS Tutor and progressed to being the Training Programme Director for T&O in Wessex for 8 years and membership of the SAC for 5 years. 

Simon and his wife remain on the South Coast and their children have fled the nest, one into the profession the other to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

Andrew Manktelow image

Andrew Manktelow

Elected Trustee

Trained at the Royal Free and the RNOH, Andrew headed to the East Midlands and to Nottingham in 1999. Part of a busy trauma group for many years, his practice is now based around hip surgery. His clinical interest started in London and developed during a year in Boston, at MGH. Away from his hips, the scope of his unit has allowed Andrew a continued understanding of the issues that excite and confront other areas of orthopaedic practice.

His clinical work provides research opportunities and forms the basis of his educational activities. Andrew has travelled widely to lecture and demonstrate his practice, and he set up the Nottingham Revision Course in 2007. His recent work with the Revision Surgery Network, which provides a weekly framework for surgeons from different hospitals to meet ‘virtually’ to discuss complex cases, has received attention nationally and internationally.

Andrew has been on the Executive of the British Hip Society for a number of years and became President in March 2018. His year gave him a better appreciation of the challenges of today’s health economic environment. He saw how the BOA facilitates discussion and provides a cohesive response to support what good orthopaedics achieves for our patients.

Married to Claire, a GP and with four beautiful and tolerant daughters aged between 21 and 14, Andrew has little time to spare away from my work. When quiet he enjoys travelling, music, gardening, (watching) sport and planning future revisions.

Andrew is passionate about orthopaedics and looks forward to a further opportunity to contribute to our speciality.

Andrea Sott image

Andrea Sott

Elected Trustee

Andrea Sott is working as a Trauma and Orthopaedic Consultant at Epsom & St Helier NHS Trust and the South West London Elective Orthopaedic Centre SWLEOC since 2004. Andrea leads her Trust’s large planned Care division as Medical Director and is Surgical Director at SWLEOC. In all her roles she strongly promotes excellent surgical care and senior clinical leadership to continuously improve services for our patients.

As a leader Andrea has been instrumental in achieving national top performance in hip fracture care, MSK elective recovery and patient waiting times providing mutual aid to more challenged UK regions.

Andrea maintains a GMC portfolio as an active and enthusiastic Trainer. She is Senior Examiner for the JCIE, past Surgical Tutor and current AAC panel member for the Royal College of Surgeons of England, continuously inspiring students, trainees and colleagues to take up professional and leadership roles in Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery. Andrea is host to a well-established BOA Future Leaders Programme CCT F&A fellowship and has been invited as director/faculty to several BOFAS and BOA courses and meetings.

She has published many papers in her field. As member of the SWL executive R&D committee, she oversees several NIHR studies some as PI, advocating evidence-based surgery at all times.

Married to Simon with three children, Andrea enjoys a busy family life, running, paddle boarding, boating and baking with their own chicken’s eggs.

As the only female surgeon at SWLEOC she is keen demonstrate that a flourishing orthopaedic career, senior leadership positions and happy fulfilling family life are indeed achievable to all.

Grateful to the voting members Andrea wants to bring to the BOA Council her considerable surgical, professional and leadership experience, and strong work ethics to whichever position is allocated to her, promoting diversity and sustainability in surgery.

Paul Banaszkiewicz image

Paul Banaszkiewicz

Elected Trustee

Paul graduated from Glasgow University, completing his basic SHO surgical training in the Merseyside Deanery and then undertook specialist registrar training on the North East of Scotland training programme.  He was appointed as Hip and Knee arthroplasty surgeon at Queen Elizabeth hospital Gateshead in 2004. 

He is passionate about training and medical education being a fellow of Higher Education Academy, fellow Academy of Medical Educators and has a Master’s degree in Medical Education. 

He is an RCSEng member for the appointments accreditation committee (AAC) and RCSEng quality assurance and accreditation assessor for courses seeking RCSEng course accreditation.  

Paul is visiting professor at Northumbria University this role acts as an interface between the academic roles Northumbria University provides and his own clinical oriented background that provides a practical focus for research. 

He has been a strong supporter of the BOA Futures Leadership Programme and the BOA annual Travelling Fellowships.  He is a keen supporter of BOTA being regularly involved with their annual instructional course and sponsor of BOTA travelling fellowships.  

Paul is the main editor and author for three FRCS (Tr&Orth) related exam books that are international best sellers and have won several BMA book awards.  He co-ordinates an annual six-day intensive FRCS (Tr&Orth) revision course at Newcastle. In recent years Paul has run its international equivalent for overseas trainees with courses taking place in Dubai, India, Singapore and Jordan.  

For many years Paul was involved in humanitarian work in Northern Iraq regularly visiting the region to undertake neglected hip and knee arthroplasty surgery.  This gave him a greater appreciation and understanding of our own health care system.  Many patients would have continued to struggle due to a lack of local expertise and resources to pay for expensive surgery. 

Through the contacts he has made overseas Paul is keen to develop the international profile of the BOA. 

In his spare time, Paul is a keen runner, skier, gardener and Burnley FC fan. 

Vikas Khanduja image

Vikas Khanduja

Elected Trustee

Vikas Khanduja is a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon specialising in both sports surgery and arthroplasty aspects of hip surgery at Addenbrooke’s – Cambridge University Hospital. He has been instrumental in setting up the tertiary referral service for young adults with hip pathology in Cambridge for the East of England and leads the service as well.

In addition to his clinical practice, he also leads the Cambridge Young Adult Hip research group and is an Affiliated Associate Professor at the University of Cambridge. The focus of the research group is on the use of novel technologies for the assessment and improvement of outcomes in young adults with hip pathology. The group has a strong national and international presence with good collaborative links within Cambridge and abroad. He has authored over 185 peer-reviewed articles and three books.

Vikas is the recipient of the Arnott Medal presented by the RCS Eng in 2013, the Hunterian Professorship presented by the RCSEng in 2021, the Armourers and Braisiers Venture Prize in 2022 and the Institute of Physics Lee Lucas Award in 2023.

He currently sits on the Executive Board of the British Hip Society as the Immediate Past President, the ESSKA Board as Chair of European Hip Preservation Associates, the SICOT Board as President Elect, ISAKOS as the Associate Editor in Chief of JISAKOS and is the Trustee and Past Chair of the Non Arthroplasty Hip Registry.

He has contributed immensely to the orthopaedic community over the past 15 years and wishes to continue to do the same for the BOA especially in the arena of research and use of technology for education

Dominic Meek image

Dominic Meek

Elected Trustee

Following medical school in Glasgow he undertook T&O training in the West of Scotland rotation. He was appointed Consultant in 2003 and works at the QUEH, Glasgow with a specialist interest in hip reconstructive arthroplasty surgery. He continues to participate in trauma at the QUEH designated regional trauma centre.

He is an honorary Professor Glasgow University, with research interests are in the basic science of nanotechnology and cell behaviour / bone regeneration, implant fixation and effects of wear particles particularly CoCr toxicity. Dominic has also served as a Clinical Director for 6 years for T&O during the merger of three units into the Glasgow QUEH.

He is the Hip Specialty Editor for the BJJ and was President of BHS for 2023. During his time with the BHS, the society has recognised a lack of diversity in their membership and as part of addressing this developed a mentorship program, which Dominic was part of the instigating team.

Ben Ollivere image

Ben Ollivere

Elected Trustee

Ben OIIivere is a Clinical Academic Trauma Surgeon (one of just a handful in the UK) working at Nottingham University where he is Professor of Orthopaedic Trauma, Head of Department and Associate Faculty Pro-Vice Chancellor for the faculty of Medicine and Health sciences. He trained in Oxford, London and later Cambridge before coming to Nottingham as a clinician in 2011 and then moving to the University in 2016. He was subsequently appointed to a Chair in 2020.

He is a world leader in his field and has achieved significant research funding from the MRC, NIHR and InnovateUK. He takes a big picture approach to research with themes established in injury and recovery, frailty and decline and chest injury.
Ben is an experienced surgical and academic educator being an associate fellow of the HFEA. His experience includes leading both MSc modules and undergraduate surgery education and UG curriculum design to meet new GMC requirements. He has eight years experience as Training Programme Director for the East Midlands HST programme. In 2020 he was awarded the national Training Programme Director of the year award.

Ben decided to stand for election as a trustee as over the past decade he has been heavily involved in the UK orthopaedic community (as BJ360 Editor, Training Programme Director, clinical trialist and member of various committees). He has seen how valuable the BOA is to us as a community. Ben believes it is essential that the Association represents the interests of its members, current and future as T&O in the UK is special, and the BOA is central to that.

Deepa Bose image

Deepa Bose

Elected Trustee

Deepa Bose is a consultant in orthopaedic trauma and limb reconstruction at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham. Her practice is exclusively in adults, and includes general trauma, major trauma and post-traumatic limb reconstruction: osteomyelitis, malunion, non-union, limb lengthening and deformity correction.

Deepa is currently Vice Chair of the Specialist Advisory Committee for Trauma and Orthopaedics, and the lead for CESR approval process. She has also contributed to the revision of the curriculum. She holds an MSc in Medical Education and has been admitted to the Faculty of Surgical Trainers of RCS Edinburgh, as well as being a member of the Academy of Medical Educators. She is involved in national selections for core and orthopaedic surgery, and sits on ARCP panels for both. She was regional training programme director for core surgery in West Midlands from 2015 – 2019.

Deepa is the Chairman of World Orthopaedic Concern UK, a specialist society of the British Orthopaedic Association, and a charity which focuses on teaching orthopaedics in low resource countries. She is co-director of the postgraduate orthopaedic training programme in Guyana. Deepa also visits Gaza as part of the UK limb reconstruction team of the charity Medical Aid for Palestinians.

She has been on the Emergency Response Team of UK Med, a first response team for international disaster relief, since 2012.

Deepa decided to run for the BOA Council because she is passionate about safeguarding the future generation of orthopaedic surgeons. She hopes to achieve this by promoting the highest standard of education and training, both in the UK and in low and middle income countries.

Leela Biant image

Leela Biant

Elected Trustee

Leela is Academic Head of the department of Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery at the University of Manchester and Honorary Consultant T&O Surgeon, Manchester University Hospitals. She is Co-Director of the Northwest Joint Preservation Centre, a King James IV Professor, and Immediate Past-President of BASK.

Leela trained in London with fellowships in Sydney and London. Her thesis was entitled ‘Articular Cartilage Injury and Repair in the Young Adult Knee’ and her award winning research focuses on biological regenerative surgery and advanced joint replacement. Leela is on the SAC of ORUK, an ICRS Senior Fellow, and founded the ICRS Global patient registry. She is a Lifetime Honorary Fellow of the UK Biological Knee Society, an ABC Travelling Fellow in 2010 and BASK Travelling Fellow in 2014. Leela has previously been on the Medical Advisory Committee of the NJR.

Leela stood for Council to try to improve the working lives and daily stressors of all colleagues in the NHS, Hybrid, Private and Academic Sectors. This includes the scrutiny of case numbers without clinical context, publishing of unverified data about a surgeons practice that they have no control of, and do not have the time nor the ability to alter, stifling bureaucracy, time-sapping untargeted email and communications so surgeons have ‘been informed’, and rising costs and indemnity cover of a practicing orthopaedic surgeon without parallel rises in remuneration. Our work is joyful and important. Our time is better spent looking after patients, training the next generation and advancing care with meaningful audit and research.

Sebastian Dawson-Bowling image

Sebastian Dawson-Bowling

Elected Trustee

Sebastian Dawson-Bowling is a hip and knee surgeon at Barts Health in London, specialising in complex primary and revision arthroplasty. He also undertakes arthroscopy to both joints, and works within the Royal London Hospital major trauma service. Sebastian is a BJ360 Editorial Board member, sits on the NJR Regional Clinical Coordinator and Editorial Committees, and is an FRCS(Tr&Orth) examiner.

Outside clinical practice, his passion within orthopaedics has always been training/mentoring future generations. Whilst BOTA President, Sebastian strongly encouraged medical student attendance and participation at orthopaedic educational events. He subsequently cofounded London Undergraduate Orthopaedic Society, and contributed to establishing BOMSA.

Away from work, Sebastian’s loves in life are his family (wife Emma, a psychiatrist, and children Elspeth and Daniel), opera, food and wine. He is also a qualified rowing umpire.

Sebastian is honoured to be elected to BOA Council. The BOA now has perhaps more influence than at any previous time, which he feels we can use to powerful effect, ensuring the right training and working conditions for members at all career stages – from those caring for young families, or sitting exams (or both!); to consultants fighting to defend standards of care for their patients against increasing management interference; or seeking to undertake leadership or educational roles.

He looks forward to contributing to the Association’s excellent work to guide, support and safeguard trainees; it has been with this foremost in mind that he stood. In doing this, the BOA will continue simultaneously to ensure highest possible standards of patient care for generations to come.

Peter Giannoudis image

Peter Giannoudis

Elected Trustee

Professor Peter Giannoudis is the Professor and Chairman of Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery at the Medical School of the University of Leeds.
He has served in positions of responsibility including, President of the British Trauma Society (2003-2007), President of the European Society of Pelvis and Acetabulum (2007-2012), President of the European Society Tissue Regeneration in Orthopaedics and Traumatology (2018-onwards), Chair of the International Committee of Orthopaedic Trauma Association (USA) (2012-2019), Chair Global Research Commission AO Foundation (2024-onwards), and Editor In Chief of Injury Journal (2010-onwards) and Journal Trauma Case Reports (2014-onwards). He has published over 800 peer review publications and 14 Orthopaedic and Trauma textbooks. His H-index is 131 with 64,745 citations.

Professor Giannoudis is a regular international keynote speaker having delivered over 450 lectures around the globe. He is a visiting professor in 21 Universities worldwide. In 2024, he was included in the King’s New Year’s Honours list and received the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (MBE) for his services in trauma and orthopaedic surgery in the UK.

Peter is delighted to be elected as a Trustee of the BOA. He feels it is a great honour and is looking forward to contributing to the important challenges facing our profession including maintaining adequate workforce, supporting the training and education of our members, promoting high quality research, strengthening the relationship with the government to improve patient care and to raise the profile of the Association internationally.

Ajay Malviya image

Ajay Malviya

Elected Trustee

Ajay Malviya is a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon based in the North-East of England, working within the Northumbria Trust, where he specialise in hip preservation surgery. In addition to his clinical work, he is an active researcher and an FRCS Examiner. Over the past decade, Ajay has had the honour of serving on the BOA Education and Careers Committee in various roles, including as the UKITE lead and, most recently, as the Vice-Chair. He has been closely involved in the committee’s expansion and its efforts to introduce new initiatives aimed at enhancing education, training, and engagement. Through his commitment, he has seen the significant positive impact of UKITE on many trainees and the success of numerous orthopaedic surgeons across the country. This journey has been fulfilling, allowing Ajay to maintain a harmonious balance between his clinical duties and other pursuits.

Ajay’s advocacy for ensuring surgical quality and measuring outcomes remains steadfast. As the former Chair of the National Arthroplasty Hip Registry (NAHR), he takes great pride in having played a pivotal role in its evolution from a developing registry to a model of excellence at both national and international levels. While he holds traditional values dearly, he remains open to new ideas and suggestions.

As a member of the Council, Ajay would passionately advocate for the modernisation of orthopaedic training to make it a model of excellence that is exemplary to the rest of the world. Additionally, he believes that NHS organisations should support surgeons in improving quality by ensuring there are adequate resources to collect outcome data. Every trust in the UK should have an outcomes team dedicated to measuring surgical quality.

Rhidian Morgan-Jones image

Rhidian Morgan-Jones

Elected Trustee

Rhidian trained in Cardiff at the University of Wales, College of Medicine as it was then, qualifying in 1989. His training rotation was between Oswestry and Stoke-on-Trent and included fellowships in Johannesburg and Sydney.

Rhidian has spent his Consultant career working on orthopaedic infection and revision knee replacements in Cardiff. He recently ‘transferred’ across the border to work in Colchester and help establish the Regional Revision Knee Network.

Rhidian has a strong interest in education at all levels and continues to lecture widely. He has had the pleasure of founding and running national knee infection meetings from which he continues to learn from his peers. A personal philosophy, when possible, has always been to organise cross-speciality meetings, which broadens one’s perspective and heightens respect for colleagues in other medical and non-medical areas.

Now living in Essex, he remains as Welsh as ever but perhaps a little less partisan than before. Professionally and personally, although life continually changes, he could not be happier than at present.

Rhidian is delighted to be re-elected as a BOA Trustee and hopes to contribute and support our profession in any way he can.

Bertie Leigh image

Bertie Leigh

Lay Trustee

Bertie Leigh used to be Senior Partner at Hempsons.  He has a very extensive experience in medical negligence and in the law related to professional regulation. He has held numerous senior rolls in the legal world, but also has had a close relationship with surgery and orthopaedics. He was the chairman of NCEPOD for 6 years and a non executive director of the RNOH at Stanmore. He is an Honourary Fellow of three Royal Colleges. He is closely interested in the issues that orthopaedic surgeons face on a day to day basis.

He is particularly interested in issues related to medical ethics, consent and training.

Paul Buckley image

Paul Buckley

Lay Trustee

Paul Buckley retired from the General Medical Council at the end of 2020 after almost 25 years with the organisation, for 16 of which he was a Director and member of the Senior Management Team. In his most recent role he was responsible for the development of the GMC’s corporate strategy and overseeing its policy work including a major regulatory reform programme, and leading other key functions including Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, business planning, research and data. He was also a Director and Managing Director of GMC Services International Ltd, a consulting subsidiary. Paul now works in consultancy and non-executive roles in healthcare. In particular,in addition to his role with the BOA he is the independent chair of the Chief Executive Board of the Scope of Practice and Education partnership which is coordinating work to advance the counselling and psychotherapy profession for adults across six organisations. He was previously a member of the Citizen’s Partnership of the Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch.

Ex-Officio/Appointed Council Members

Oliver Townsend image

Oliver Townsend

BOTA President

Oliver is an ST6 in Wessex, and is the 2024-25 BOTA Prsident. He was the Sustainability & Workforce Representative on the BOTA Committee for 2023-24. Oliver organised and ran the 2024 BOTA x ORUK Sustainability Conference and has undertaken several local sustainability audits and projects over the last 18 months.

David Warnock image

David Warnock

Northern Ireland Representative

David Warnock is a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon based at Musgrave Park Hospital, Belfast specialising in Orthopaedic Oncology, Hip & Knee arthroplasty. He is currently Chair of the NI Regional T&O Committee.

Paul Jenkins image

Paul Jenkins

Scottish Chair

Paul Jenkins is Chair of the Scottish Committee for Orthopaedics and Trauma (SCOT). He is a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon at Glasgow Royal Infirmary and is a former Clinical Director of the unit. His subspecialty interest is shoulder and elbow surgery, with a particular focus on elbow trauma and arthroplasty. He is also an Honorary Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Glasgow.  He has a strong interest in clinical service redesign and improvement and is the National Clinical Lead for Orthopaedics at the NHS Scotland Centre for Sustainable Delivery. He has been a member of BESS Council since 2018 and is currently the Honorary Treasurer. 

Rhodri Williams image

Rhodri Williams

Welsh Representative

Rhodri Williams is a hip and knee consultant orthopaedic surgeon based at Hywel Dda University Health Board in Wales.  He has an established high-volume arthroplasty practice, subspecialising in all aspects of routine, complex and revision hip and knee surgery.

Following completion of medical school at St Barts and The Royal London Hospitals, higher surgical training on the University College Hospital London rotation and Marster’s degree from Imperial College London, he returned to Wales. As a fluent Welsh-speaking Welshman, Rhodri has an in-depth understanding of the local culture and is privileged to be Treasurer of the Welsh Orthopaedic Society as well as being a longstanding member of the Welsh Orthopaedic Training committee.

With his busy surgical, research and training commitments, Rhodri is glad to have a supportive family. He is married and has three young daughters, who keep him busy. Away from work Rhodri is a keen sportsman who enjoys running and skiing as well as supporting rugby.

Andrew McCaskie image

Andrew McCaskie

Research Committee Chair

Professor McCaskie is an orthopaedic surgeon with an interest in lower limb surgery e.g. hip arthroscopy and related research. His research aims to develop innovative solutions, particularly regenerative, for patient benefit in musculoskeletal disease. One focus is Osteoarthritis (OA), which affects around 8 million people in the UK alone. The research encompasses a greater understanding of the causes of musculoskeletal disease and the mechanisms of action of therapy.

He is the Director of the Arthritis Research UK Tissue Engineering Centre. The £6 million Centre is based at four sites: Newcastle University, the University of Aberdeen, Keele University/the Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Hospital NHS Foundation Trust in Oswestry and the University of York. Funded by a core grant of £2.4 million over five years from Arthritis Research UK with a further £3.4 million pledged by the four participating universities, the centre brings together leading clinicians, engineers and biologists from research and clinical groups. The aim and potential clinical impact is to treat early osteoarthritis by introducing stem cells into damaged joints in conjunction with existing surgical procedures. Prof McCaskie leads the Smart Step consortium (£1.1M) as part of Stage II UK Regenerative Medicine Platform. The aim is to develop cell-free approaches to Osteoarthritis and establish a translational pipeline for their development.

Alan Middleton image

Alan Middleton

BODS Chair

Sarah Stapley image

Sarah Stapley

BADS Representative

Sarah Stapley is Defence Professor of Trauma and Orthopaedics, Consultant in T&O at Portsmouth NHS Trust and TPD HEWessex for T&O.

A consultant since 2004, she has been fortunate enough to have experienced trauma and orthopaedic delivery in a number of settings, although based in the Portsmouth area for the whole of her consultant career. Serving with the Royal Navy for 33 years, Sarah has lead health care delivery in isolated and extreme locations with limited resources.

Understanding how education, and the effect a good mentor has on an individual, has continually driven Sarah to encourage trainees of all levels to seek their potential, and she has demonstrated this as a Training Programme Director at both core and higher specialty level, and as Defence Professor of Trauma and Orthopaedics, where she has expanded the influence of military orthopaedics into several academic institutions. She has undertaken several unusual leadership roles, as a Deployed Medical Director (Camp Bastian Hospital) in Afghanistan, Consultant Advisor in Trauma and Orthopaedics to the Royal Navy and as the UK Representative on the NATO COMEDS futures advisory panel, which recently developed a military research strategy for the 47 Countries of NATO.

Sarah has been a member of the BOA since she was a trainee and sits on the Education Committee as the representative for
Medical Student engagement.

Lee Breakwell image

Lee Breakwell

Spines Representative

Lee currently works at Sheffield Children’s and Teaching Hospitals as a spinal surgeon. He trained in Sheffield, West Midlands, with Fellowships in Nottingham and the USA. He is a Council member of the BOA, and was formerly President of BOTA. He is a member of the BOA Trauma group, and is responsible for Spinal BOASTs. 

He was Director of Education in Sheffield for 10 years, and led AO Spine Education for the UK. He is co-designer, developer and administrator of the British Spine Registry, and has been audit lead for both spinal surgery societies. He is currently secretary of the UK Spine Societies Board, who are responsible for organising the biennial BritSpine Congress.

His current research interests include respiratory function in Early Onset Scoliosis, and growing spine surgery. 

Giles Pattison image

Giles Pattison

SAC Representative

Giles is a paediatric orthopaedic consultant at University Hospital, Coventry. He trained in Bristol and the South West and completed the fellowship at SickKids in Toronto. His practice includes paediatric trauma, general paediatric orthopaedics and neonatal disorders.

Giles has had a career long interest in medical- and surgical education and is a Fellow of the Faculty of Surgical Trainers. Other interests include leadership and management (he is Head of Surgery for the trust and a Regional Surgical Advisor for the Edinburgh College).

In his spare time Giles likes to cycle (badly) and run (slowly).

Salma Chaudhury image

Salma Chaudhury

EDI Representative

Salma is a Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgeon at Cambridge University Hospital Trust who specialises in Shoulder and Elbow trauma, sports injuries and shoulder replacements. She is triple fellowship trained from international recognised centres of shoulder excellence, having trained at Oxford, Cambridge and Reading, and spent a year during training at Hospital for Special Surgery in New York. She was awarded the BESS Travelling Fellowship. Her Trauma and Orthopaedics higher surgical training was completed in Oxford, and she studied medicine at Cambridge University. 


Salma is committed to producing the highest quality research to offer patients the best evidence-based, compassionate care. She was awarded a PhD in Orthopaedic Surgery from Oxford University, for her studies of rotator cuff failure and repair strategies to improve healing. To date she has been awarded £450,000 in research grants, including an ORUK early career research fellowship, and has published widely. She is the associate editor for Bone and Joint Journal 360, and was previously the social media editor for Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery. She currently sits on the British Elbow and Shoulder Surgery Research Committee and was previously Executive Committee member for British Orthopaedic Research Society. 


Teaching has always been important to Salma and she was the co-director of orthopaedic teaching for Oxford University undergraduate medical students for 4 years. She has taught widely on courses such as the Oxford University Orthopaedic MSC course, shoulder and elbow cadaveric courses in Cambridge and ORUK FRCS Revision courses. She has regularly lectured internationally and nationally, including teaching in China and Palestine.

She has demonstrated a longstanding commitment to improving training for all doctors as well as patient outcomes, reflected in her wide-ranging work on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) initiatives. Some of her key previous roles include:

  • Elected senior BOA EDI champion for Thames Valley.
  • Royal College of Surgeons Working Parents Group.
  • Federation of Surgical Speciality Association (FSSA) Anti-Bullying and Harassment Committee

Akshdeep Bawa image

Akshdeep Bawa

SAS Representative