Education and Careers Committee

Paul Banaszkiewicz
Paul graduated from Glasgow University, completing his basic SHO surgical training in the Merseyside Deanery and then undertook specialist registrar training on the North East of Scotland training programme. He was appointed as Hip and Knee arthroplasty surgeon at Queen Elizabeth hospital Gateshead in 2004.
He is passionate about training and medical education being a fellow of Higher Education Academy, fellow Academy of Medical Educators and has a Master’s degree in Medical Education.
He is an RCSEng member for the appointments accreditation committee (AAC) and RCSEng quality assurance and accreditation assessor for courses seeking RCSEng course accreditation.
Paul is visiting professor at Northumbria University this role acts as an interface between the academic roles Northumbria University provides and his own clinical oriented background that provides a practical focus for research.
Paul is a BOA Elected Trustee and Chair of the Education and Careers Committee. He has been a strong supporter of the BOA Futures Leadership Programme and the BOA annual Travelling Fellowships. He is a keen supporter of BOTA being regularly involved with their annual instructional course and sponsor of BOTA travelling fellowships.
Paul is the main editor and author for three FRCS (Tr&Orth) related exam books that are international best sellers and have won several BMA book awards. He co-ordinates an annual six-day intensive FRCS (Tr&Orth) revision course at Newcastle. In recent years Paul has run its international equivalent for overseas trainees with courses taking place in Dubai, India, Singapore and Jordan.
For many years Paul was involved in humanitarian work in Northern Iraq regularly visiting the region to undertake neglected hip and knee arthroplasty surgery. This gave him a greater appreciation and understanding of our own health care system. Many patients would have continued to struggle due to a lack of local expertise and resources to pay for expensive surgery.
Through the contacts he has made overseas Paul is keen to develop the international profile of the BOA.
In his spare time, Paul is a keen runner, skier, gardener and Burnley FC fan.

Hiro Tanaka
Executive Lead
Hiro Tanaka is a Consultant Foot and Ankle surgeon at Aneurin Bevan University Health Board in Wales.
Hiro has served on BOA Council for four years and co-directs the BOA Future Leaders Programme. He is committed to training and education across all levels and has previoulsy been Chairman and now Executive Lead of the Education Committee for the BOA and has been involved with the development of the educational portfolio for BOFAS for many years. He is a BOFAS council member and Honorary Treasurer.

Ajay Malviya
Vice-Chair & UKITE Clinical Lead
Ajay Malviya joined Northumbria Healthcare as a Consultant in 2011 after completing his orthopaedic training in the North East. His area of specialty is in the treatment of disorders of the young adult hip and has helped Northumbria become a tertiary referral centre for young patients with hip disorders. He is heavily involved in training and is an examiner for FRCS T&O. He is in the BOA Education and Careers committee as the national lead of the UK and Ireland orthopaedic in training examination (UKITE).
He has an active interest in research, with many publications to his name. He is Deputy Editor of the Journal of Hip Preservation Surgery (OUP) and the Chair of UK National Non Arthroplasty Hip Registry (NAHR).

Deepa Bose
Council Member Trustee
Ms Deepa Bose is a consultant in orthopaedic trauma and limb reconstruction at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham. Her practice is exclusively in adults, and includes general trauma, major trauma and post-traumatic limb reconstruction: osteomyelitis, malunion, non-union, limb lengthening and deformity correction.
Deepa is currently Vice Chair of the Specialist Advisory Committee for Trauma and Orthopaedics, and the lead for CESR approval process. She has also contributed to the revision of the curriculum. She holds an MSc in Medical Education and has been admitted to the Faculty of Surgical Trainers of RCS Edinburgh, as well as being a member of the Academy of Medical Educators. She is involved in national selections for core and orthopaedic surgery, and sits on ARCP panels for both. She was regional training programme director for core surgery in West Midlands from 2015 – 2019.
Deepa is the Chairman of World Orthopaedic Concern UK, a specialist society of the British Orthopaedic Association, and a charity which focuses on teaching orthopaedics in low resource countries. She is co-director of the postgraduate orthopaedic training programme in Guyana. Deepa also visits Gaza as part of the UK limb reconstruction team of the charity Medical Aid for Palestinians.
She has been on the Emergency Response Team of UK Med, a first response team for international disaster relief, since 2012.

Rob Gregory
SAC Chair
Having graduated from Newcastle University in 1981, Rob remained in the North of England to train in Orthopaedics and after spending a highly rewarding fellowship year in Adelaide, returned to take up his current post in Durham where he has remained for the last 25 years.
Rob's clinical interest relates to surgery of the knee but he has always had a strong interest in orthopaedic training. He is currently a member of both the SAC and Selection Design Group, hold QA Lead roles in his School of Surgery and SAC, am an examiner at both MRCS and FRCS (Orth) level and was particularly honoured to be awarded Trainer of the Year two years ago.
He has held senior departmental management roles for over ten years and as a result is familiar with the constant conflict between service and training but is always aware of our duty to ensure that investment in the future of our profession is given the highest priority.
He is a firm advocate of performance improvement being driven by the publication of accurate, relevant outcomes data and believe that we can only achieve the highest standards of both training and clinical care if we are prepared to accept that we have areas of weakness. Alongside this we have to be proud of our considerable achievements and defend these strongly in the prevailing political climate.
Rob is fortunate to have what he believe is the best job in the world and is also fortunate to have been supported throughout his career by a wonderful wife, Nicola, and three wonderful children. He is looking forward to the next three years, he appreciates the professional support that he has been given and hopes that he can help ensure that the profession remains the very best for the next generation.
Rob took over as SAC Chair in January 2020, at a time when there was little inkling of events as they were to unfold. He has extensive experience both as a trainer and organiser of training, is an examiner at FRCS(Orth), and is a Trustee of the BOA. His trauma practice is based in Durham and his main elective interest relates to the knee.

Donald Campbell
TPD Forum Chair
Donald Campbell was born in Vancouver Island, Canada and emigrated to Scotland where he spent his formative years. He graduated from Aberdeen University Medical School in 1993 and trained around most of Scotland, including his Trauma and Orthopaedics (T&O) rotation in the East of Scotland. He completed two years of fellowships in paediatric T&O in Glasgow and Sheffield. He was appointed as a consultant in Ninewells Teaching Hospital in Dundee in 2007, where he treats a broad range of paediatric conditions with a particular interest in the foot and the ankle, including some adult F&A work. He has a keen interest in training and was the East of Scotland T&O Training Programme Director for 6 years. He is now the TPD forum chair for the UK and Ireland and a FRCS T&O examiner. He is also a SAC liaison member for the JCST and sits on the BOA education committee.

Usman Ahmed
Lead for Simulation
Usman is a lower limb surgeon based in the West Midlands with a diverse portfolio of activity and a particular interest in Virtual Education and Simulation. He also holds a Digital & Simulation role with HEE Midlands, and developed the Postgraduate Virtual Learning Environment which has been a key education delivery vehicle during COVID. @OrthopaedicOz @PGVLE

Julie Craig
SAS representative
Julie Craig is the SAS representative on the BOA education & careers committee.
She works as an Orthopaedic Specialty Doctor in the Royal Victoria Hospital in Belfast.
Julie graduated from Queen’s University in Belfast, and has since completed a Master’s degree in Clinical Education at Queen’s University, and a Master’s degree in Orthopaedic Engineering from Cardiff University. She is now an undergraduate educational lead for fractures for Queen’s University Belfast.
She teaches quality improvement and leadership skills to doctors in the Belfast Trust as part of the QI faculty.
Julie has a special interest in clinical data analysis and project design and is the Belfast Trust’s specialty improvement lead for their fracture inpatient database. She is also the Northern Ireland representative on the NHFD advisory group and a member of the RCP’s FFFAP committee.
She is also a member of the British Medical Association Northern Ireland SAS committee & the Royal College of Surgeon of Edinburgh’s trauma & Orthopaedic surgical speciality board.
Julie’s publications include peer-reviewed journals and chapter contributions to a trauma and orthopaedic nursing textbook. She has received prizes for Best Presentation at the British Trauma Society, Best Abstract at the Irish Hip Fracture Database Annual Meeting, the Bone and Joint Journal Prize, and a “highlight paper” at the Orthopaedic Trauma Association.
Charmilie Chandrakumar
BOTA representative
Naadir Nazar
BOMSA President
Niel Kang
Lead for Medical Student Engagement

Rajesh Nanda
Lead for Fellowships and Courses
Rajesh Nanda is a keen educationist working as a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon at University Hospital of North Tees & Hartlepool since 2010. With Subspecialty interest in Shoulder and Elbow surgery. He is, affiliated as an Honorary Professor to the Teesside University. A member of BOA Education & Careers committee.
Has a postgraduate certificate in Clinical Education, Fellowship of Northeast Leadership Academy and completed Education Leadership programme for surgeons (RCS England). He is a Fellow of the Faculty of Surgical Trainers of RCS Edinburgh. He is on the panel of Examiners for the FRCS(T&O).
Organises annual orthopaedic basic science course; shoulder and elbow symposium for physiotherapists and allied health professionals; joint injection courses for GP’s; invited faculty to Orthopaedic courses. He has been a member of BESS Education committee and a present member of BIOS education committee. Organises the MCh Orthopaedics course from Teesside University.
Rajesh is a college tutor and trainer for ST / CT trainees and offers SSC for medical students. He is involved in local and regional teaching programmes, ARCP panels and regional STC. Rajesh is the Guardian of safe working for doctors in training at his trust and he has an active research interest and is reviewer for BJJ and Shoulder & Elbow Journal.

Kapil Sugand
Education and Careers Committee Member
Clinical: Kapil Sugand is a triple board certified post-CCT Fellow with specialist interests in peripheral nerve and musculoskeletal surgery, upper limb and trauma. Having completed his training on the North West Thames rotation, he is currently at the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, Stanmore.
Educational contribution: Kapil is a Honorary Research Fellow and Senior Clinical Teacher at Imperial College London. He led a research team that was the first to validate the VR DHS simulator and the popular Touch Surgery app after creating modules which has been viewed and used by 100,000 people from every corner of the world. He is currently authoring his sixth textbook, while acting as a reviewer for 9 PubMed journals as well as supervising BSc/MSc/MD projects. His biography has been featured in the renowned Marquis Who’s Who in the World encyclopaedia.
Research: After being awarded a PhD in simulation and educational technology alongside Chartered Scientist status, Kapil published and presented widely on trials to improve the quality of training. He has been credited in over 55 peer-reviewed publications in international PubMed-indexed journals, has had over 27000 reads of his work on ResearchGate (with a Research Interest Score higher than 95%), and gained a h-index of 15. Furthermore, his publication, the 'Anatomy of anatomy: a review of its modernisation' has been cited over 1000 times to date.
Presentations: Kapil has delivered over 70 conference presentations globally and has been invited to present his work at hallmark conferences on most continents including the British Orthopaedic Association (BOA), American Association of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS), European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (EFORT) and other prestigious international meetings.
Keynote Speaker/Public engagement: Kapil has strived to bring his work in improving surgical training to the public. He was also the keynote speaker at ASiT and Imagining the Future of Medicine conferences. Due to popular demand, he was invited to speak at the 2018 and 2020 BOA annual meetings. Moreover, he has presented at the Royal College of Surgeons of England exhibitions (Anatomy of an Athlete Exhibition and Open Surgery) as well as Imperial’s Fringe, Public and Science festivals.
Media attention: Kapil founded the Holography-Assisted Medical Lecturing & E-Teaching (HAMLET) collaboration which was the first to bring interactive dynamic virtual reality 3D holograms into the lecture theatres. His interview was featured on the BBC, covered by popular media in over 10 countries as well as in Wired magazine.
Associations: Kapil has been awarded Fellowship to Royal College of Surgeons of England, European Board of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, International Society of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, Institute of Clinical Research, Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce, Institution of Engineering and Technology, and Royal Society of Public Health, as well as Membership to Chartered College of Teaching, the Society for Education and Training, Institute of Science and Technology, and Sigma Xi Scientific Research Honour Society.
Further information: More information on his professional activities can be found at