BOA & BOTA Culture and Diversity Champions
As part of BOA & BOTA’s culture and diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) strategy, we are delighted to launch a new Culture & Diversity (C&D) Champions’ programme.

The new C&D Champions are representatives of BOA and BOTA and will work together with BOA and BOTA to encourage, inspire and stimulate positive change in work culture and to build a more diverse and inclusive environment for our specialty.
The BOA & BOTA C&D Champions programme will involve recruitment of one Junior Champion and one Senior Champion from each deanery.
C&D Champions will be advocates for driving positive change in work culture and increasing DEI in Trauma & Orthopaedics (T&O) surgery within their region. The C&D Champions network will work closely with the BOA and BOTA to unite the culture change and DEI efforts across the UK. The Champions will also be a point of contact for junior and senior T&O surgeons within their region for culture and DEI initiatives.
The role of the BOA & BOTA C&D Champion:
- Promote a more diverse and inclusive community within Trauma & Orthopaedic (T&O) Surgery, that accurately reflects the population we care for.
- Promote positive work culture change to ensure everyone feels welcomed, included and respected within T&O surgery.
- Unite individual efforts of culture and DEI improvement work across the UK; so creating a cohesive collective network to share resources and support.
- Train and equip passionate and like-minded individuals with the skills and tools required to initiate positive culture change and create a more diverse and inclusive community within T&O surgery.
- Demonstrate exemplary attitudes and behaviour towards improving diversity and inclusion in T&O surgery.
Profiles of our current Champions are available on the BOTA website.
We are recruiting junior & senior champions across all regions:
Northern Ireland
North West - Mersey, Manchester
Yorkshire, Humberside
North East - Newcastle, Durham, Sunderland
East of England
South West - Bristol, Peninsula, Wessex
West Midlands
Thames Valley
East Midlands