Get Involved

Get involved at the BOA!

This is your chance to use your skills and expertise to influence and input into the work of the BOA.  If you have an interest in trauma and orthopaedics that you’d like to pursue further as part of your national specialty body, the BOA needs you!

We have exciting opportunities for BOA members to represent, lead and effect change across the trauma and orthopaedic profession.

Current Open Opportunities:



Past Opportunities

Thank you to everyone who applied, we have had a fantastic response to our committee vacancies, and will be in touch with applicants in due course.

The BOA is committed to equality of access to a T&O career and to the services of the Association. As per our Diversity and Inclusion Strategy, applications are particularly encouraged from currently under-represented groups in the BOA leadership structures including, but not limited to, women, BAME and LGBTQ+ members.

If you have any questions please get in touch with [email protected]